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Regarding Slave reparations: About everyone in Europe was a slave (in Latin, "servus" — serf) since Diocletian's socialist "reforms". Emancipation came very slowly through the emergence of free cities, literally the first meaning of "bourgeoisie" — people living free in cities rather than slaves on the land. Only "blue blood" descendants of the conquering German master race who reigned for over a thousand years as "noblemen" can claim to have no slave ancestors. Plus maybe the Swiss. Thus, almost all white people are owed reparations by this standard. From whom, though? Well, most black people in America descend from the tiny minority of slave owners and slave drivers of the time...

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Tags: en, fr, left, racism, ios翻外墙用什么

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Emotiology / Émotiologie

这个网站碉堡了!苹果全部发布会影片、广告和宣传图都能看 ...:2021-2-5 · 身为一个有超过十年使用经验的 Apple 用户,虽然不算太资深,但也曾经历这十多年来苹果大大小小的设备,大家都喜欢拿 Steve Jobs 和 Tim Cook 作为两个跨时伕分水岭,早期的 Apple 让大家充满期待,引领着科技时伕潮流,而现今则转趋于保守,更 ...

Emotiology—it doesn't even pass the bar of an ideology. There is no claim and no attempt to coherence of ideas, logical principles, or even persistence of opinions. Just opportunistic slogans and fleeting emotions that the masses are supposed to mimic from their elite controlers.

What is "unity"? It's the emotional delusion you feel when LSD prevents your brain from functioning properly, that some deranged or underdeveloped brains can feel without drugs, and that leftists peddle onto the ignorant masses to justify violence against their dissenters.

This emotiology is literally brain damage, spread as a memetic infection of pandemic proportions. My thoughts and prayers go to the victims... oh noes, I caught the infection... tell my wife that I love her!


Ceux qui en appellent à "l'unité" comme seule solution imaginable à la violence avouent par là-même être incapables d'imaginer la non-violence envers l'Autre. Ils cultivent précisément cette émotiologie de haine qu'ils prétendent "combattre"—parce que leur seul vocabulaire est celui de la violence.

Émotiologie—il n'y a même pas là de quoi faire une idéologie. Aucune revendication et aucun effort pour la moindre cohérence des idées, les moindres principes de logique, ni même aucune permanence des opinions. Juste des slogans opportunistes et émotions fugaces que les masses sont supposées singer de "l'avant-garde" qui les contrôle.

Qu'est-ce que "l'unité"? C'est l'illusion émotionelle que l'on ressent quand le LSD empêche votre cerveau de fonctionner correctement, que certains esprits dérangés ou sous-développés peuvent ressentir sans drogue, et que les gauchistes propagent auprès des masses ignorantes pour justifier de leur violence contre leurs dissidents.

Cette émotiologie est littérallement une maladie mentale, qui se répand par une infection mémétique à l'ampleur d'une pandémie. Mes pensées et mes prières vont aux victimes... ah zut, je suis infecté... dites à ma femme que je l'aime!

Tags: en, fr, irrationality, 苹果的梯子, memetics

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Rien sans les tas!

Mes amis étatistes sans cesse me demandent comment telle bonne chose pourrait possiblement exister sans les tas (de parasites légaux): l'informatique, les routes, les pompiers, l'école, les chemins de fers, la musique, la charité, etc. Et pourquoi pas l'amour pendant qu'on y est?

Car chacun sait que toutes les bonnes choses sont l'invention par les tas (d'irresponsables institutionnels). Le summum de l'inventivité est atteint par les adjudants chefs entre deux aboiements d'ordres aux recrues d'une armée d'esclaves, suivis de près par les bureaucrates entre deux siestes.

L'informatique? Elle est née du génie d'un ministre entre deux coïts avec des putes de luxe.

Les routes? Inventées par un bourreau entre deux têtes coupées.

Les pompiers? Inventés par un inspecteur des impôts entre deux contrôles fiscaux.

Et même le sel, fut trouvé par un préhistorique chef des tas (de bandits génocidaires) qui noyait un dissident.

L'école? Inventée par un enseignant public, parce que les millions de fonctionnaires de l'éducation nationale de cette époque reculée s'ennuyaient entre deux vacances, ne sachant pas quoi faire de leur temps grassement payé par les tas (de voleurs impunis).

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Jamais des citoyens libres et responsables voudraient ni s'organiser ni dépenser un centime pour des problèmes aussi importants qu'évidents. Ils n'auraient d'ailleurs aucune idée de ces problèmes, laissés ignorants sans le génie des luminaires qui nous dirigent. Et jamais ils n'oserait agir s'ils devaient assumer la pleine responsabilité de leurs actes, sans pouvoir se cacher derrière un Establishment qui les protège de toute punition pour leurs agissements.

Vivent les tas (de menteurs psychopathes)! Notre Dieu collectif, d'où dérive toutes bonnes choses.

Comme le dit un jour un prophète: « Tout dans les tas, rien hors de les tas, rien contre les tas ! »

Tags: fr, statism

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La Cigale et la Fourmi

Read more...Collapse )

Voici donc ma version du célèbre "la cigale et la fourmi". Vous pouvez:

  • Écouter une version a capella (Ogg Vorbis)
  • Lire les paroles (sur un site consacré à l'auteur)
  • 苹果翻墙梯子.
  • Éditer la partition (Lilypond).

Tags: cigale, fables, fourmi, fr, la fontaine, mp3, music, poetry, sheet music

网游加速器免费版- 爬墙专用加速器

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Making ASDF more magic by making it less magic

bb梯子游戏苹果版下载-android版:2021-6-13 · bb梯子游戏苹果版下载Android6.1.x众上,bb梯子游戏正版APP下载(Vv4.6.4是当下苹果IOS、安卓版流行速度快的APP(18.28M),音乐地图数据精确及时,android版下载安装量达492584人次,bb梯子游戏最新版深受大家喜欢的APP软件;

ASDF is a build system for Common Lisp. In the spirit of the original Lisp DEFSYSTEM, it compiles and loads software (mostly but not exclusively Common Lisp code) in the same image as it's running. Indeed, old time Lisp machines and Lisp systems did everything in the same world, in the same (memory) image, the same address space, the same (Unix-style) process — whatever you name it. This notably distinguishes it from traditional Unix build, which happens in multiple processes each with its own address space. The upside of the Lisp way is extremely low overhead, which allows for greater speed on olden single-processor machines, but also richer communication between build phases (especially for error reporting and handling), interactive debugging, and more. The upside of the Unix way is greater parallelizability, which allows for greater speed on newer multi-processor machines, but also fewer interactions between build phases, which makes determinism and distributed computation easier. The upside of the Lisp way is still unduly under-appreciated by those ignorant of Lisp and other image-based systems (such as Smalltalk). The Lisp way feels old because it is old; it could be updated to integrate the benefits of the Unix way, possibly using language-based purity and effect control in addition to low-level protection; but that will probably happen with Racket rather than Common Lisp.

One notable way that ASDF is magic is in its support for building itself — i.e. compiling and/or loading a new version of itself, in the very same Lisp image that is driving the build, replacing itself in the process, while it is running. This "hot upgrade" isn't an idle exercise, but an essential feature without which ASDF 1 was doomed. For the explanation why, see my original post on ASDF, Software Irresponsibility, or the broader paper on ASDF 2, Evolving ASDF: More Cooperation, Less Coordination.

Now, despite the heroic efforts of ASDF 2 described in the paper above, self-build could not be made to reliably happen in the middle of the build: subtle incompatibilities between old and new version, previously loaded extensions being clobbered by redefinitions yet expected to work later, interactions with existing control stack frames or with inlining or caching of methods, etc., may not only cause the build to fail, but also badly corrupt the entire system. Thus, self-build, if it happens, must happen at the very beginning of the build. However, the way ASDF works, it is not predictable whether some part of the build will later depend on ASDF. Therefore, to ensure that self-build happens in the beginning if it happens at all, ASDF 3 makes sure it always happens, as the very first thing that ASDF does, no matter what. This also makes ASDF automatically upgrade itself if you just install a new source repository somewhere in your source-registry, e.g. under ~/common-lisp/asdf/ (recommended location for hackers) or /usr/share/common-lisp/source/cl-asdf/ (where Debian installs it). This happens as a call to iPhone如何挂梯子 in defmethod operate :around in operate.lisp (including as now called by load-asd), so it is only triggered in side-effectful operations of ASDF, not pure ones (but since 苹果手机用的梯子 can call load-asd, such side-effects can happen just to look at a not-previously-seen, new or updated system definition file). Special care is taken in the record-dependency method in find-system.lisp so this autoload doesn't cause circular dependencies.

Second issue since ASDF 3: ASDF was and is still traditionally delivered as a single file asdf.lisp that you can load in any Common Lisp implementation (literally any, from Genera to Clasp), and it just works. This is not the primary way that ASDF is seen by most end-users anymore: nowadays, every maintained implementation provides ASDF as a module, so users can ios能用的梯子2022 about anywhere to get a relatively recent ASDF 3.1 or later. But distributing a single file asdf.lisp is still useful to initially bootstrap ASDF on each of these implementations. Now, by release 2.26, ASDF had grown from its initial 500-line code hack to a 4500-line mess, with roughly working but incomplete efforts to address robustness, portability and upgradability, and with a deep design bug (see the ASDF 3 paper). To allow for further growth, robustification and non-trivial refactoring, ASDF 3 was split into two sets of files, one for the portability library, called UIOP (now 15 files, 7400 lines) and one for ASDF itself (now 25 files, 6000 lines as of, the latter set also specifically called asdf/defsystem in this context. The code is much more maintainable for having been organized in these much more modular smaller bites. However, to still be able to deliver as a single file, ASDF implemented a mechanism to concatenate all the files in the correct order into the desired artifact. It would be nice to convince each and every implementation vendor to provide UIOP and ASDF as separate modules, like SBCL and MKCL do, but that's a different challenge of its own.

There is another important reason to concatenate all source files into a single deliverable file: upgrading ASDF may cause some functions to be undefined or partially redefined between source files, while being used in the building ASDF's call stack, which may cause ASDF to fail to properly compile and load the next ASDF. Compiling and loading ASDF in a single file both makes these changes atomic and minimizes the use of functions being redefined while called. Note that in this regard, UIOP could conceivably be loaded the normal way, because it follows stricter backward compatibility restrictions than ASDF, and can afford them because it has a simpler, more stable, less extensible API that doesn't maintain as much dynamic state, and its functions are less likely to be adversely modified while in the call stack. Still, distributing UIOP and ASDF in separate files introduces opportunities for things to go wrong, and since we need a single-file output for ASDF, it's much safer to also include UIOP in it, and simpler not to have to deal with two different ways to build ASDF, with or without a transcluded UIOP.

As a more recent issue, ASDF 3.3 tracks what operations happen while loading a .asd file (e.g. loading triggered by defsystem-depends-on), and uses that information to dynamically track dependencies between multiple phases of the build: there is a new phase each time ASDF compiles and loads extensions to ASDF into the current image as a prerequisite to process further build specifications. ASDF 3.3 is then capable of using this information to properly detect what to rebuild or not rebuild when doing a incremental compilation involving multiple build phases, whereas previous versions could fail in both ways. But, in light of the first issue, that means that trying to define ASDF or UIOP is special, since everything depends on them. And UIOP is even more special because ASDF depends on it. The "solution" I used in ASDF 3.3 was quite ugly — to prevent circular dependency between a define-op asdf and define-op uiop, I made asdf.asd magically read content from uiop.asd without loading uiop.asd, so as to transclude its sources in the concatenated file asdf.lisp. This is a gross hack that ought to be replaced by something better — probably adding more special cases to record-dependency for uiop as well as asdf along the way.

Finally, there is a way that ASDF could be modified, that would displace the magic of bootstrap such that no special case is needed for ASDF or UIOP — by making that magic available to all systems, potentially also solving issues with cross-compilation. (UIOP remains slightly special: it must be built using the standard CL primitives rather than the UIOP API.) But that would require yet another massive refactoring of ASDF. Moreover, it would either be incompatible with existing ASDF extensions or require non-trivial efforts to maintain a backward-compatible path. The problem is the plan made by ASDF is executed by repeatedly calling the perform method, itself calling other methods on objects of various classes comprising the ASDF model, while this model is being redefined. The solution is that from the plan for one phase of execution, ASDF would instead extract a non-extensible, more functional representation of the plan that is impervious to upgrade. Each action would thus define a method on perform-forms instead of perform, that would (primarily) return a list of forms to evaluate at runtime. These forms can then be evaluated without the context of ASDF's object model, actually with a minimal context that even allows them to be run in a different Lisp image on a different Lisp implementation, allowing for cross-compilation, which itself opens the way for parallelized or distributed deterministic backends in the style of XCVB or Bazelisp. Such changes might justify bumping the ASDF version to 4.0.

As usual, writing this essay, which was prompted by a question from Eric Timmons, forced me to think about the alternatives and why I had rejected some of them, to look back at the code and experiment with it, which ultimately led to my finding and fixing various small bugs in the code. As for solving the deeper issues, they're up to you, next ASDF maintainers!

Tags: asdf, bootstrapping, build, en, 苹果手机用的梯子, software

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光遇iOS国际服下载及美区氪金教程:2021-6-12 · 预备工作:准备一个梯子,后续操作会用到。准备美区Apple ID:挂上美区梯子,登录苹果官网,注册一个新的Apple ID,地区选择美国。付款方式选择none(如果没挂梯子则只能看 …

This essay was originally written by Daniel A. Nagy and published on his Facebook page on April 2nd, 2017. It is the third part in a series. The first two parts are available here: Part 1, Part 2. All three parts were originally published on facebook: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3.

This is the third part in a series. The second part is available here, the first part is available here.

In the first part, I have discussed the so-called Independent Media™, the seeming conspiracy of mass-media workers, especially, but not exclusively journalists, in creating and perpetuating a virtual reality by biased reporting and analysis, serving the interests of the International Community™. In the second part, I have discussed the role of Student Activists™ in doing the footwork and providing a recruitment pool for the rest of the International Community™. I have argued, that there is no need for these people to actually conspire or to be in the service or the pay of some shadowy background power; they are merely following their own perceived interests and their own thirst for power and status.

In this third part, I will look at the other side of the same academic coin:

Liberal Universities™

Their faculty and administration are not only tolerating political activism on campus, but actively encouraging and supporting it, as long as it serves the interests of the International Community™. On one hand, there is nothing new or surprising about the best scientists being in the pay of the most powerful rulers. Similarly, it is quite common for them to provide legitimacy and support for their paymasters. What is new, however, that there seem to be no rulers around. On paper, the best Liberal Universities™ are independent and private, yet, they act as if there was some shadowy background power pulling the strings and showering them with money and prestige, as powerful rulers of the past have done. Well, if you state that much in public, you are only going to make a fool of yourself.

Just like in the case of Independent Media™, academics are actually in the driver’s seat of the International Community™. They do not serve anyone in particular, but exercising and protecting their own power. As it always happens at the nexus of power and science, science suffers. Entire bogus fields of study emerge that have nothing to do with uncovering the secrets of the world using the scientific method and even legitimate scientific pursuits get corrupted by biased funding and publishing. I believe that the root cause for this to go largely unopposed is that division of labor and specialization have deepened so much during the past century that non-specialists came to rely too heavily on academic credentials and KPI’s such as publications in Prestigeous Journals™, which, in turn, are measured by another KPI, the so-called impact factor. This provides cliques of mutual support that cite each others’ papers and also sit on editorial boards of journals with an opportunity to completely capture entire disciplines and even to create new ones, irrespective of actual scientific merit.

When enemies of the International Community™ attempt to mimic its behavior by operating universities of their own or attempting to endow their cronies with academic titles, they invariably fail, often quite comically. Just like in the case with journalists, no matter how much the king pays to the professor, no matter how much money he plows into shiny campuses, it will never be as prestigeous and attractive as a true, independent Liberal University™. The best possible outcome for such attempts is complete capture of the institution by the International Community™ in which case the ruler might have bought himself a temporary, highly conditional (upon unwavering loyalty) peace.

In this light, it is not at all surprising that one of the core tenets of the International Community™, in fact, one of the core Democratic Values™ is that public policy needs to be based on scientific evidence. This is a huge departure from the practice of past rulers who might have paid keen attention to scientist advisors, but would have never given up agency or responsibility by delegating policymaking to scientists. This practice of requiring scientific evidence (in practice: academic approval) for policy decisions utterly corrupts science, for it implies that the only way to influence policy is to influence science. Thus, power is spoken to truth, honest pursuit of science in politically charged fields such as economics or climate becomes impossible.

As any person in the position of power, these academics are, of course, corrupt. Since they have near-absolute power, they are very corrupt, in fact, but also very expensive. This might seem like a weakness, and indeed it is sometimes possible to destroy individual academics by unmasking their corruption, but that may prove very difficult, expensive and dangerous. Going after entire Liberal Universities™ or fields of study, however corrupted, is a surefire way to draw the ire of the entire International Community™.

The true and ultimate weakness of academia is that it is entirely unnecessary and useless in the age of the internet. They hardly do anything useful anymore for anyone but themselves and their powerful friends. If you want to actually learn something, there is no reason anymore to enroll in an accredited degree-earning program, because you can listen to lectures and read papers by the best in any field online, often for free. There is also no reason to pay any attention, as employers, to academic credentials. If you need to hire scientifically trained talent, you can look at results of online competitions, open-source work, etc. If really needed, you should test the applicant in-house on the subject. Remember: the proof of Poincaré Conjecture was not published in a peer-reviewed journal and the Fields medal awarded for it was turned down. The best strategy for freeing yourself and the world from power-thirsty academics with top-notch credentials is to ignore them out of power.

Those who are doing real science no longer need to rely on academic credentials, even if they happen to have them.

Tags: academia, en, international community, libertarian, nagy

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Meta-Decentralized Cryptocurrencies

Dear crypto-currency hacker friends,

I had the following epiphany about decentralizing crypto-currency transactions, into a network of repudiable centralized operations with ultimate decentralized arbitration, thereby achieving ledgers with both high-throughput and high-trustworthiness. I would appreciate you helping me find out whether it is original, already well-known, or well-debunked.

A short URL for this proposal is http://j.mp/MetaDecentCC. A longer write-up that gives more details is at http://fare.tunes.org/computing/mdcc2018.html.

The essential innovation brought by Bitcoin was a way to achieve consensus without centralized management. Unhappily, this consensus is technically very hard to achieve, economically very expensive, and it is slow and has low throughput, etc. Centralized systems are much cheaper to operate, much faster, much more reliable, etc.; but ultimately they are subject to failure or abuse by the operator: overcharging or outright censorship of transactions, double spending on their own transactions, inflation, confiscation, outages, gross negligence, etc. A big question today is how much the advantages of distributed consensus can be combined with those of centralized management without also combining their disadvantages.

I was reading about the Bitcoin Lightning Network, OmniLedger, and other proposals to decentralize crypto-currency payments in a safe yet speedy way. Then I was reminded of the notions of (1) Voice and Exit and (2) Slasher-style denunciations. Voice and Exit are the idea, common among libertarians, that what keeps infrastructure managers honest and efficient is mostly not (a) the ability to "Voice" complaints and maybe cast a tiny vote in picking who the next collective manager will be for everyone, but (b) the ability to individually "Exit" the set of customers of your current service provider, or even of all existing service providers, thus becoming your own provider and possibly that of others (extreme case also called "Enter"). Slasher-style denunciations are the idea that if cheating is possible to some parties, these parties can be motivated not to cheat by having skin in the game that they will lose should their cheating be detected and denounced (this idea was first applied to cryptocurrencies by Vitalik Buterin as part of a proposed Proof-of-Stake protocol called Slasher; I heard about it in the Tezos White Paper).

In a crypto-currency, public key cryptography is used so that funds in a public ledger are assigned each to an entry protected by a publicly recognizable lock. Only the actor who knows the matching secret key (typically called Alice) can sign the checks that spend funds protected by a given lock (in some more advanced cases, it can be a set of actors each with many keys, interacting through a "smart contract"). There is no way within the system to cheat by spending funds controlled by someone else: you may crack their computers or torture them to extract their keys; but supposing that their software, hardware and wetware are secure, remote participants in the protocol cannot rob these funds. Inflation and confiscation, two risks commonly associated with phanæro-currencies (currencies that are not crypto-currencies), can also be written out of the protocol at the time it is designed, before it is adopted; or they can be made to follow predictable patterns that users may accept before they adopt the currency, or reject and the currency with it. The main risks that remain in a cryptographic ledger are: (C) censorship of transactions, with includes gouging of transaction fees under threat, and locking or destruction of funds that thereupon cannot be spent anymore, and (D) double-spending of funds by a malicious actor, who promises to deliver the very same funds simultaneously to multiple recipients and run away with benefits received in exchange before the deceived victims hear the news.

Now, notice that both remaining kinds of bad events require a bad actor, typically called Mallory (or sufficiently incompetent one — here as always, any sufficiently advanced incompetence is indistinguishable from malice). In the case of a centralized chain, the central manager can easily catch small fraudsters and punish them (say by confiscating or destroying their funds); but the central manager may herself become fraudulent, and/or fraudsters will do their damned best to become the central manager (and will eventually succeed). Guarding against these two possible behaviors by Mallory having become the central manager is the one on only (but oh so difficult) purpose of the distributed consensus protocol. If only Alice and her partner Bob could somehow safely let someone trustworthy like Trent guarantee their transactions against small time thieves like Mallory, without Trent himself turning into Mallory! Then they could have very fast transactions at lightning speed, yet that are robust and trustworthy, without a single point of failure or trust.

Therefore, what is ultimately required from the consensus protocol (centralized or decentralized) is a "justice" system that guarantees the right of Exit: if Alice's account is currently managed by Trent who tries to price-gouge her or censor her or otherwise fails to process transactions out of incompetence or dysfunction, then Alice can denounce Trent to Judy, repudiate him as her notary, and either transfer her account to Ted instead, or start her own notary business. (To incentivize Trent not to censor transactions in general and exit transactions in particular, some of the fees associated to the exit transactions would be paid by Trent if the matter reaches Judy, though Alice has to pay at least as much in fees to reach Judy, or else there is an unfair weapon whereby rich operators can pay to bankrupt their competitors with a multiplicative effect.) Once she finds a trustworthy notary willing to record the transaction, Alice can send funds to Bob; and if no notary is willing, Alice can register herself with Judy and self-notarize the transaction; that will be technically more demanding and possibly more expensive due to Judy's fees, but the option is always available, prevents outright censorship or freezing of funds, and sets a cap to how much transaction notaries can gouge before losing all their customers. An additional incentive for notaries to never censor or gouge their customers would be to tie the benefits they receive to the presence of these customers: the ability to charge fees or inflate the money supply (in a limited way); those benefits constitute "skin in the game" the fear of losing which makes a powerful motivator for notaries. (This is another point that Tezos gets well.)

As for the second kind of risk, double-spending, it only happens when Mallory is a notary and signs away the same funds multiple times. When receiving funds from Alice as signed by notary Trent, Bob must make sure to tell everyone about it, and complain loudly and timely to Judy if he hears of a double spending attempt, and wait for long enough that no one else did issue a complaint that Alice and Trent were actually Mallory in disguise who was trying to double-spend. To determine whether a transaction is valid, Bob therefore "only" has to track what the manager Trent said, and wait for Judy to validate what was the (digest of the) official state of transactions notarized by Trent, and check that Judy did not publish a repudiation of Trent by Alice, or a denunciation of Trent's behavior by a double-spending victim. And here's the great advantage of this proposal: it is infinitely faster for Judy to not publish negative messages than it would be for Judy to actually iPhone如何挂梯子 positive messages.

To make it costly for Trent to even try to cheat and maybe succeed if there is a glitch in the system, Trent has to put skin in the game by leaving funds under a lock with its name attached. Then, if Trent is otherwise found to have facilitated double-spending, these funds will be lost: half earned by whoever denounced Trent to incentivize denunciation, and half destroyed (Trent could preemptively denounce themselves under a false identity, and avoid losing, if there were no destruction). If Trent himself is not an anonymous node in an anonymized network, but a large well-known corporation with lots to lose should its operations be found to be either fraudulent or incompetent, all the better: more skin to lose in case of either censorship or double-spending attempt, and no ability to profit. And yet if governments try to crack down on such institutions, the ledger can easily fall back a lot smaller servers hiding behind TOR and its rivals or successors. As for regular clients, they can use anonymizing techniques without loss of robustness to the system.

In a degenerate case, there is one very fast high-throughput centralized transaction network, plus a slow low-throughput validation network that keeps it honest and efficient; if and when the centralized transaction network fails, becomes too expensive, or starts cheating, everyone suddenly raises the issue with Judy and moves to a new network; the process may take some time and cost a lot of money, but that these transition costs put a cap on how much the network can suck.

bb梯子游戏苹果版下载-android版:2021-6-13 · bb梯子游戏苹果版下载Android6.1.x众上,bb梯子游戏正版APP下载(Vv4.6.4是当下苹果IOS、安卓版流行速度快的APP(18.28M),音乐地图数据精确及时,android版下载安装量达492584人次,bb梯子游戏最新版深受大家喜欢的APP软件;

The last issue is: how do you make sure that Judy keeps doing her job, that she is actually listening to denunciations and publishing them, etc., etc.? Well, that's where you need a more traditional Consensus system: instead of being a central authority, which would only push back the issue and leave us with yet another centralized system with extra steps, Judy can be a protocol on top of a decentralized consensus system (or rather THE decentralized consensus system, some of my friends would argue), whether it is based on Proof-of-Work (effective but expensive), Proof-of-Stake (cheaper but more fragile?), or whatever the most trustworthy technique of the day is (today, Bitcoin, tomorrow, the Moon?). Denunciations are therefore published and accepted in a consensual priority order from which the protocol uniquely determines how and in whose favor the ledger is adjusted. Settlement of denunciations would have to have clear precedence and reconciliation rules, which would make the code quite complex, especially since suddenly large swaths of a vastly different blockchain technology has to be made part of the codebase. Ultimately, though, such is the cost of reconciling the advantages of centralized and decentralized: its codebase must contain both the centralized and decentralized systems, plus some code to reconcile the two. If the system has its own decentralized blockchain, early denunciations will be considered as adding sufficient weight to the chain as to make censorship hard; but not in a way that would allow toppling the chain (and thus double spending) using retroactive denunciations.

Note that even when censorship of denunciations somehow happens at the level of Judy, it can become "common knowledge" very soon that certain transactions were fraudulent, at which point the notary disbarred while multiply-spent funds and his bonds are effectively frozen until an uncensored denunciation is published that establishes who gets the reward for proving the fraud. Consensus is only needed to determine who gets the reward, whereas common knowledge is enough to stop people from being defrauded. This in turn means there is little incentive to censor denunciation and positive incentive to publish them. But it also means that people managing serious money should keep listening to consensus-less decentralized chat networks in addition to the consensus. Happily, consensus-less decentralized chat is both cheap and fast. To reduce the incentive for both retroactive cheating (indian giving) and censorship, denunciations can't freeze funds that Judy couldn't prove were multiply spent within the timeout window for a confirmation; but the notary's bond has to remain posted for a much longer time, and is still lost if they were found to double spend. The bond can be made of user subscriptions, that are only released if no fraud was proven for an enter cycle (say one week to one month) after the end of the subscription; if Alice goes to Judy to denounce Trent, and Trent loses the fee he collected from Alice (which causes deflation and/or goes back to a pool that pays miners; Alice does not get the money back, and must pay the miners a fee to invoke Judy.)

I admit that I don't understand the economics of mining enough to say whether my construction can be used with a system that is ultimately cheaper than Bitcoin's Proof-of-Work network at achieving a robust Decentralized Consensus. I would guess that mining costs could be kept proportional to fraud expectation given the suspected (un)trustworthiness of the notaries; but that would mean that fraud would appear when the costs are too much underestimated. Still I do believe my construction manages to combine the throughput of centralized systems with the robustness of decentralized systems, at the same overall cost and latency as existing decentralized systems, and hence much reduced cost per transaction compared to pure decentralized systems, and much improved robustness compared to pure centralized systems. This construction thus uses distributed consensus as an arbiter between competing centralized systems, such that the price paid for consensus is proportional to fraud and/or failure and born by those who are dishonest or make bad decisions instead of being proportional to the active value of the network and born by those who are honest and make good decisions.

Now, please tell me what I have missed, if anything. Is this construction actually robust, or are there flaws I failed to see? Is it original or has someone already proposed it? Even if it basically works, are there hidden costs and issues I have failed to consider?

PS: some of my friends told me that while the specific way I frame this idea might be original, many of the same general concepts are already used in projects to federate blockchains, such as Blockstream Liquid or Ethereum 2.

Tags: censorship, crypto, cryptocurrency, denunciation, en, justice, voice-exit-enter

网游加速器免费版- 爬墙专用加速器

eyes black and white


Last night I had this dream of what might make an interesting novel of political fiction. In this timeline, the Republic of China (Taiwan) alone in the world has kept a delegation for the Republic of (South) Vietnam. The RVN embassy is still occupied by an official Vietnamese delegation, reduced to three people living off a small stipend from the Republic of China, that hasn't increased since 1975, with a Chinese guard on duty during the day. One night, a group of Vietnamese revolutionaries break in and take over the delegation, led by a notorious anarchist, a martial artist, and an international lawyer. They carry with them an old drunkard who happens to have a claim as heir to the ancient throne through a previous Emperor's affair, and declare the Restoration of his Dynasty. They somehow convince the old delegates to join their cause. Of course, Taiwan will be taken aback by this revolution, and immediately revoke what stipend and guard they were granting to the delegation; but the RoC will not dare violate the sovereignty of the entity they tried to prop up so long — at least not until and unless it itself violates international law. And so Taiwan will follow a wait and see policy.

The anarchist takes the new Emperor in his Imperial Suite, a reserved suite on the top floor of the building. He leads the other men upstairs with the drunk man on tow. However, an astronomical society has taken over all floors of the building but the ground floor and entresol; the rent they pay is how the delegate made his comfortable living despite the low stipend from RoC. Trying to keep going to the top floor, the men discover that it is only accessible by a ladder leading to the higher levels of the telescope, which is impractical for men carrying a drunkard. However, a late-staying astronomy student explains that they already reached the original top floor, the observatory having been added later. Part of the Imperial Suite was kept, but as an impeccably preserved museum room inside the offices, not really usable as an actual room. The revolutionaries still use it symbolically that night, but in the morning, the Emperor will "decide" that from now on he shall occupy a simple maid's room in the entresol.

When the drunkard wakes up with a major hangover, the anarchist talks to him with deference due to the Emperor, yet explains in no uncertain terms that he is in control as the new Regent. The Regent has one goal for the Emperor: make Him become a dignified figure (no more alcohol) who will become relevant as an assassination target. There only three ways out of the embassy: installed on his rightful throne in Hue, dead, or abdicated in favor of another heir approved by the Regent. His fortune will follow that of the Restoration: ascetic for now; but princesses and concubines, fast cars and private jets if they are wildly successful. And a lot of it will depend on the Emperor's ability to project dignity indeed.

The first appointments of the day are for the new Emperor and his Regency to receive the CEOs of various international companies of mercenaries. The Empire offers that it will setup its Court in Exile; companies can file actions; the Court will decide whether there is a Casus Belli, and then declare war on the enemy and grant the mercenary a letter of marque in exchange for titles in the loot and/or conquest. The mercenaries will however then have to follow the strictures of an official army and be subject to Court Martial for transgressions. Of course most governments won't recognize the Empire and its letters of marque. At least in the beginning. But that's where a mutually profitable relation is born: by respecting international law better than existing governments, the Companies and the Empire can lend Credence and Legitimacy to each other.

Selling flags of convenience, setting up Court, delivering passports, negotiating mutual recognition with odd States, maintaining good relationships with Taiwan, making statements to the press, teaching the Emperor how to be sovereignly (and preparing an online course on Natural Law based on those teachings), preparing a secret contingency plan for when Taiwan turns inimical or falls, plotting against the Vietnamese communist regime, dealing with spooks from various countries and non government entities, improving internal security, drawing an internet fan base as well as government backed opposition from SJW groups, etc., are daily activities of the Regency. All of that until... well, next episode, if any

Tags: anarchism, dream, 苹果的梯子

Sep. 24th, 2017

eyes black and white

A tale of many nests

This short essay will tell you about my favorite macro, nest, discuss the modularity of syntax extension, and use the implementation of that macro as an illustration for how to use defmacro, syntax-rules and syntax-case, providing along the way a comparison between these respective macro definition systems.

Using the nest macro

When I started using Scheme as my main Lisp, the first macro I wrote was the nest macro. What macro? The nest macro. The one that in Common Lisp helps my code avoid drifting hopelessly to the right as I nest binding form inside binding form... by doing the nesting for me. To illustrate the kind of issues that I'm concerned with, consider the Common Lisp code snippet below:

Read more...Collapse )
Tags: #scheme, en, lisp, macros, modularity, programming languages, scheme, software

Jul. 28th, 2017


iphone苹果如何打开Youtube可众用的苹果翻墙油管知乎免费 ...:解决苹果手机如何上Youtube,ipad如何打开Youtube,ios怎么注册Youtube油管,2021电脑PC端可众用的稳定vpn账号密码翻墙软件美国香港ios苹果iphone手机梯子安卓Android节点知乎免费推荐国外付费ssr科学上网游戏视频vpn路由器账号密码

In this series where I decrypt art for you, here is Bohemian Rhapsody, by Queen. Unlike my previous contributions, about Lovecraft and Picasso, I did not figure this one by myself; rather it was clearly suggested by some biography of Freddie Mercury that I once watched. I still think it deserves to be better known.

iphone苹果如何打开Youtube可众用的苹果翻墙油管知乎免费 ...:解决苹果手机如何上Youtube,ipad如何打开Youtube,ios怎么注册Youtube油管,2021电脑PC端可众用的稳定vpn账号密码翻墙软件美国香港ios苹果iphone手机梯子安卓Android节点知乎免费推荐国外付费ssr科学上网游戏视频vpn路由器账号密码

So, what is the meaning of the song? It's about coming out as gay to his mother. "Mama, just killed a man / Put a gun against his head, pulled my trigger, now he's dead" is about receiving fellatio from a man; no man dies except metaphorically. The "monstruosity" that the character is being damned for, is homosexuality. The song confronts the conflicted emotions of shame and fear of rejection, and goes through the "five stages of grief", from denial ("Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy") to final acceptance ("Nothing really matters to me"), through anger ("Thunderbolt and lightning"), bargaining ("Easy come, easy go, will you let me go?") and depression ("Beelzebub has a devil put aside for me, for me, for me!"). His mother cries ("Mama, ooh, didn't mean to make you cry"), she tries to convince him to abandon his ways ("Just got to out / Just got to get right out of here"), she gets angry ("Oh, baby, can't do this to me, baby!"), and though she has only reached the second stage of grief by the end of the song, Freddie already has completed his cycle, and some day so will she complete hers — or maybe not. Probably for the sake of not losing her, Freddie never publicly came out.

So there. The meaning of "Bohemian Rhapsody". It is beautiful because it comes from the deepest of the heart, the greatest emotional conflict that Freddie had had to face, that shook him for decades, and to which he finally found a resolution. Though this conflict was his own, the emotions are universal, for each of everyone's emotional conflict — and they here find their aggrandized operatic expression, in maybe the most beautiful song of all times.

Tags: art, bohemian rhapsody, en, ios可众用的梯子


eyes black and white


With many authoritarian governments cracking down on peaceful exchange and commerce, including via electronic means, there is clearly a need for discussion and e-commerce software with good privacy and security — hence a market opportunity to provide the technical means to achieve such peaceful human interaction. Of course I am only discussing the means of avoiding oppression by illegitimate governments, and not at all about escaping the just surveillance of what legitimate governments there may be. You're each big enough to distinguish oppression from justice by yourself, and to know when to surrender even to oppressive governments.

To seize this opportunity, a group of technically advanced software developers could write general-purpose secure discussion and e-commerce software. To demonstrate their technology, these developers would maintain a discussion and commerce site beyond any legal reproach: that site would defensively follow every applicable regulation in every single country it is allowed to operate: this includes restricting speech and commerce to what is uncontroversially legal, paying all relevant taxes, and tracking users no less (though no more) than legally required. Of course, the software being open source, anyone can trivially customize and deploy it with minimal configuration, making their own responsible choices as to which oppressive laws to flaunt in which oppressed countries. But official maintainers of the software are barred from ever operating or having operated such a site. A clean separation is essential to avoid any legal trouble, and to keep the project running, accepting funds and attracting academic contributions. Thus, the open source project may accept anonymous donations (within legal limits) and people can post bounties on its bug tracker. No open source developer will ever touch anything illegal — they just help build basic secure internet infrastructure.

There are many technical challenges, with two main themes, distinct but related: raising the state-of-the-art in secure software, and rejecting those mainstream technologies that are insufficiently secure.

The first theme, raising the state-of-the-art in secure software, is because every government crackdown on private networks thereby demonstrates that security is currently insufficient. Now, it's not just a matter of "currently": security is a race. You don't have to be perfect, you only have to be better than the other guy; but it's also not enough to be perfect, you still have to be better than the other guy. And as the other guy improves, you must improve ahead of him if you want to stay ahead; and you want to stay ahead if you don't want to spend the rest of your life in prison. Offense has a permanent team to improve its position in the race. Defense also needs a permanent team if it wants to compete. And that is why a dedicated team is needed.

Also, "technology" must be understood broadly: it is not just a matter of the software, or its development process, but also of the people running it. Operational security requires operators to follow a strict discipline, jumping through sufficient hoops, every single the time, to cover their tracks. Software can help with it, by automating what can be automated, by providing checklists for recurrent human actions, by offering tutorials and training and documentation, etc. Some of the actions shall remain secret and/or context-specific, and each operator of a private site will have to extend the software in ways that make sense.

西语助手|西汉-汉西词典 梯子是什么意思_梯子的西语解释和 ...:他伔登上 梯子 去摘高枝上的苹果 。Aquí hay una escalera. 这里有一架 梯子。声明:众上例句、词性 类均由互联网资源自动生成,部 未经过人工审核,其表达内容亦不伕表本软件的 ...

As regards the software development process, rigorous design, extensive documentation, precise specification, comprehensive testing, including fuzz testing, stringent review, are all necessary, but not sufficient, to promote quality. Reviews can be facilitated using automated linting and code formatting, that remove syntactic concerns from the reviewers so they can focus on the essential; but even with this burden removed, review is still error prone, the reviewers of a change may be missing context, and unobvious bugs or underhanded backdoors can pass through. Therefore regular code walkthroughs of the entire codebase, especially before release, are a good idea. And that includes any software dependencies. To make these walkthroughs possible, an emphasis on simplicity is essential — in the style of Alan Kay whose ViewPoints Research Institute (VPRI) built a complete software system in twenty thousand lines of code, including compiler, network stack and graphical interface, though excluding device drivers, backward compatibility modules, and various extensions.

And this brings us to the second main theme: rejecting those mainstream technologies that are insufficiently secure. Most mainstream technology is not optimized for security at all; security comes as an afterthought. Typical software environments involve huge codebases with gaping security holes and gigantic attack surfaces, in which it's OK for security to be breached, because there isn't too much money at stake, operators will be there to clean up the mess and restore from backup, and if needed government agents will use supreme force to go after the attackers, not the defenders. But these common standards of security that are good enough for mainstream use are just not good enough when developing software meant to resist attack by oppressive government agencies themselves. And this means much of the existing body of software must necessarily be excluded from the trusted code base used to conduct private commerce. In particular, if the choice of protocols necessitate the use of the giant gas factories that modern web browsers have become, it's game over. These beasts are not likely to be made (much less kept) secure any time soon.

Insecure by construction includes a lot of current technologies: HTML, CSS, Javascript, SSL, HTTPS, HTTP, maybe even long-running end-to-end TCP connections, they all have to go. Programming languages such as C++, C, Perl, Python, PHP, Ruby, Java, will also have to be wholly avoided. Safe replacements of some of these technologies may have to be developed where these technologies possess unrivaled features, and these features are not completely wrongheaded with respect to security. In developing these replacements, the lessons of these existing technologies can be preserved, and even large parts of the code base for these technologies can be ported. Yet when a safer technology replaces an unsafe one, it is important to not try to "look alike" the previous popular but unsafe technology, because willful confusion between similar technologies is itself a surface of attack by malicious actors. The safe choice is to be explicitly incompatible with any unsafe standard (or worse insufficiently specified semi-standard), and to fail fast and loud when the attempted use of unsafe technologies is detected. Trying to provide "best effort" compatibility is doomed, as it will open confused users to security issues.

Authentication by centralized authorities, whether through SSL certificates or secure DNS, is antithetical to the purpose of private commerce. They may not be used beyond bootstrapping the installation of basic secure software. This disqualifies HTTPS as a valid protocol, even if some "extension" to it ever were to one day support decentralized certificates as well as centralized ones: its very support for centralized authorities makes it a liability by which users may be confused into connecting using the wrong authorities. Instead, a private commerce protocol must exclusively rely on decentralized identities; the simplest naming scheme might be to read (digests of) cryptographic public keys as sequences of words using (some variant of) diceware (a bit in the style of Urbit having pronounceable names) — and always insisting that users check the full sentence before they complete their first connection. When users use stateful clients, these should remember connection keys and accept aliases (a bit in the style of SSH), and they should warn loudly against partial matches or near-matches.

这个网站碉堡了!苹果全部发布会影片、广告和宣传图都能看 ...:2021-2-5 · 身为一个有超过十年使用经验的 Apple 用户,虽然不算太资深,但也曾经历这十多年来苹果大大小小的设备,大家都喜欢拿 Steve Jobs 和 Tim Cook 作为两个跨时伕分水岭,早期的 Apple 让大家充满期待,引领着科技时伕潮流,而现今则转趋于保守,更 ...

Bandwidth and security limitations mean that private commerce may be made mainly a lot of text, which may be "rich", but not too rich: there will never be any code in it (no Javascript), and no style engine capable of expressing "weird machines" (like CSS); only a well-specified, precisely-versioned, and strictly-validated, variant of markdown (all protocols should be well-specified, precisely-versioned, and strictly-validated). The only style parameters will be screen size and font size, and they will be under the exclusive control of the client, not at all of the server. There will be few pictures and sounds, at a premium; video will be a rare luxury; interactivity will be extremely limited. Private commerce will be austere compared to the public web. But it will be private, and, secure.

How much will the development of such private commerce infrastructure cost? Probably millions of dollars over several years. But many existing pieces of software can be leveraged: Peer-to-peer protocols, mix networks, cryptographic libraries, distributed hash-tables, cryptocurrencies, decentralized naming protocols, etc. Yet, probably few of those pieces can be used as is, and even though that can will require integration into a coherent system that securely ties all these technologies together. The development team must publish a set of protocols and a reference implementation of clients and servers. This trusted code base should not include anything like a modern web browser, or any other untrustable blob of software bloat. (This disqualifies OpenBazaar, anything to do with the Tor Browser, etc.) Others may feel free to fork and extend, or reimplement, the code base; they may even add or remove a backdoor or two, improve the interface or its implementation, contribute features — the code is opensource. The core development team will focus on providing the core functionality, making sure that it's tightly secure where it should, and extensible where it could.

What's the point of a super-secure cryptocurrency if the weakest link in using it is a terribly insecure client?

PS: Of course a secure client also requires a secure operating system and a secure computer below it, but that's another issue. See my speech Who Controls Your Computer? For the moment, I'd recommend to run secure client software on a dedicated computer that doesn't run any other application (say, a cheap ARM board with its own display and keyboard), and assume some general Linux distribution wasn't specifically hacked to target you (and doesn't have such gaping holes that everything is lost for everyone).

Tags: en, 苹果的梯子, security, software


eyes black and white

Design at the confluence of programming languages and build systems

This short article discusses upcoming changes and future challenges for ASDF, the Common Lisp build system. It also draws lessons for a hypothetical successor to ASDF, for build systems in general, languages in which to write them, and languages that would have an internal build system that could rival with modern build systems.

ASDF, "Another System Definition Facility", is the de facto standard build system for Common Lisp (CL). It is relatively lightweight (13 kloc, over half of which for the portability layer UIOP, the "Utilities for Implementation- and OS- Portability"), quite portable (17 supported implementations), configurable (though importantly it "just works" by default), well-featured (it can create standalone executables), extensible (e.g. with support for linking C code, or for compiling FORTRAN through Lisp, etc.). But it lacks many features of modern build systems like e.g. Bazel: it does not support determinism and reproducibility, distribution and caching, cross-compilation to other platforms, building software written in languages other than CL, integration with non-CL build systems, management of multiple versions of the same software, or scaling to millions of files, etc. Historically, these limitations are due to ASDF being at heart an in-image build system in direct line of the original Lisp Machine DEFSYSTEM: it is designed to build and load software into the current Lisp image. But the challenges in possibly transforming ASDF into a modern build system touch limitations of Common Lisp itself and tell us something about language design in general.

I have essentially two development branches more or less ready for merge in the upcoming ASDF 3.3: the "plan" branch that provides proper phase separation (briefly discussed in my ELS 2017 demo), and the "syntax-control" branch that binding for syntax variables around ASDF evaluation (briefly discussed in my ELS 2014 extended article, section 3.5 "Safety before Ubiquity").

Phase Separation

The first branch solves the problem of phase separation. The branch is called "plan" because I started with the belief that most of the changes would be centered around how ASDF computes its plan. But the changes run deeper than that: 970 lines were added or modified all over the source code, not counting hundreds more were moved around as the code got reorganized. That's double the number of lines of the original ASDF, and it took me several months (part time, off hours) to get just right. Still, it is up-to-date, passes all tests, and works fine for me.

To understand what this is about, consider that a basic design point in ASDF 1.0 to 3.2 is that it first plans your entire build, then it performs the plan. The plan is a list of actions (pair of OPERATION and COMPONENT), obtained by walking the action dependency graph implicitly defined by the COMPONENT-DEPENDS-ON methods. Performing the plan is achieved by calling the PERFORM generic function on each action, which in turn will call INPUT-FILES and OUTPUT-FILES to locate its inputs and outputs.

This plan-then-perform strategy works perfectly fine as long as you don't need ASDF extensions (such as, e.g. cffi-grovel, or f2l). However, if you need extensions, there is a problem: how do you load it? Well, it's written in Lisp, so you could use a Lisp build system to load it, for instance, ASDF! And so people either use load-system (or an older equivalent) from their .asd files, or more declaratively use :defsystem-depends-on in their (defsystem ...) form, which in practice is about the same. Now, since ASDF up until 3.2 has no notion of multiple loading phases, what happens is that a brand new separate plan is computed then performed every time you use this feature. This works well enough in simple cases: some actions may be planned then performed in multiple phases, but performing should be idempotent (or else you deserve to lose), therefore ASDF wastes some time rebuilding a few actions that were planned before an extension was loaded that also depended on them. However, the real problems arise when something causes an extension to be invalidated: then the behavior of the extension may change (even subtly) due to its modified dependency, and the extension and all the systems that directly or indirectly depend on should be invalidated and recomputed. But ASDF up until 3.2 fail to do so, and the resulting build can thus be incorrect.

The bug is quite subtle: to experience it, you must be attempting an incremental build, while meaningful changes were made that affect the behavior of an ASDF extension. This kind of situation is rare enough in the small. And it is easily remedied by manually building from scratch. In the small, you can afford to always build from scratch the few systems that you modify, anyway. But when programming in the large, the bug may become very serious. What is more, it is a hurdle on the road to making a future ASDF a robust system with deterministic builds.

Addressing the issue was not a simple fix, but required deep and subtle changes that introduce notions neglected in the previous simpler build models: having a session that spans multiple plan-then-perform phases and caches the proper information not too little not too much; having a notion that loading a .asd file is itself an action that must be taken into account in the plan; having a notion of dynamically detecting the dependencies of loading a .asd file; being able to check cross-phase dependencies before to keep or invalidate a previously loaded version of a .asd file without causing anything to be loaded in the doing; expanding the state space associated to actions as they are traversed potentially many times while building the now multi-phase dependency graph. And all these things interfere with each other and have to be gotten just right.

Now, while my implemented solution is obviously very specific to ASDF, the issue of properly staging build extensions is a common user need; and addressing the issue would require the introduction of similar notions in any build system. Yet, most build systems, like ASDF up until 3.2, fail to offer proper dependency tracking when extensions change: e.g. with GNU Make you can include the result of a target into the Makefile, but there is no attempt to invalidate targets if recipes have changed or the Makefile or some included file was modified. Those build systems that do implement proper phase separation to track these dependencies are usually language-specific build systems (like ASDF); but most of them (unlike ASDF) only deal with staging macros or extensions inside the language (e.g. Racket), not with building arbitrary code outside the language. An interesting case is Bazel, which does maintain a strict plan-then-perform model yet allows user-provided extensions (e.g. to support Lisp). However, its extensions, written in a safe restricted DSL (that runs into plan phase only, with two subphases, "load" and "analysis") are not themselves subject to extension using the build system (yet the DSL being a universal language, you could implement extensibility the hard way).

Fixing the build model in ASDF 3.3 led to subtle backward-incompatible changes. Libraries available on Quicklisp were inspected, and their authors contacted if they depended on modified functionality or abandoned internals. Those libraries that are still maintained were fixed. Still, I'd just like to see how compatible it is with next month's Quicklisp before I can recommend releasing these changes upon the masses.

Syntax Control

The current ASDF has no notion of syntax, and uses whatever *readtable*, *print-pprint-dispatch*, *read-default-float-format* or many other syntax variables are ambient at the time ASDF is called. This means that if you ever side-effect those variables and/or the tables that underlie the first two, (e.g. to enable 苹果手机用的梯子 for the sake of matching with optima or trivia), then call ASDF, the code will be compiled with those modified tables, which will make fasl that are unloadable unless the same side-effects are present. If systems are modified and compiled that do not have explicit dependencies on those side-effects, or worse, that those side-effects depend on (e.g. fare-utils, that fare-quasiquote depends on), then your fasl cache will be polluted and the only way out will be to rm -rf the contaminated parts of the fasl cache and/or to build with :force :all until all parts are overwritten. Which is surprising and painful. In practice, this means that using ASDF is not compatible with making non-additive modifications to the syntax.

Back in the 3.1 days, I wrote a branch whereby each system has its own bindings for the syntax variables, whereas the default tables be read-only (if possible, which it is in many implementations). With that branch, the convention is each system can do modify the syntax in whatever way it wants, and that will only affect that system; however, changes to syntax tables must be done after explicitly creating new tables, and any attempt to side-effect the default global tables will result in an error.

This was the cleanest solution, but alas it is not compatible with a few legacy systems that explicitly depend on modifying the syntax tables (and/or variables?) for the next system to use, as ugly as that is. My initial opinion was that this should be forbidden, and that these legacy systems should be fixed; however, these were legacy systems at a notable Lisp company, with no one willing to fix them; also, I had resigned from maintainership and the new maintainer is more conservative than I am, so in the end the branch was delayed until after said Lisp company would investigate, which never happened, and the branch was never merged.

A simpler and more backward-compatible change to ASDF would have been to have global settings for the variables that are bound around any ASDF session. Then, the convention would be that you are not allowed to use ASDF again to load regular CL systems after you modify these variables in a non-additive way; and the only additive changes you can make are to add new entries to the shared *readtable* and ios翻外墙用什么 tables that do not conflict with any default entry or earlier entry (and that includes default entries on any implementation that you may want to support, so e.g. no getting #_ or #/ if you want to support CCL). Even additive changes, if made, must somehow not clash with each other, or they become non-additive; but there is no way to automatically check that this is the case and issue a warning. After you make non-additive changes (if you do), then ASDF can't be used anymore to build normal systems that may conflict with those changes, and if they are modified and you call ASDF on a system that depends on them, you lose (or you must first make all those systems immutable).

Note that because ASDF would already break in those cases, most of these constraints de facto exist, are enforced, and are respected by all ASDF users. There remains the question of binding the variables around the build, which allows normal systems to be built even if a user changes the variables, or to not bind them, which puts the onus on most users of keeping these variables bound to reasonable values around calls to ASDF for the benefit of a few users would want their own breaking changes to persist after the build. I believe the first option (bind the variables) is cleaner, though the second (basically, do nothing) is more backward-compatible.

In all cases, you can always make non-additive changes to a readtable (such as enabling fare-quasiquote) by locally binding ios能用的梯子2022 to a different value, e.g. using named-readtables:in-readtable. A local binding won't adversely affect the ASDF build; but unless ASDF is changed to enforce its own bindings, you'll have to make sure to manually undo your local bindings before you call ASDF again.

The problem with not adding any syntax-control to ASDF is that it forces Lispers to always be conservative about modifying the readtable and calling ASDF (or having it called indirectly by any function whatsoever that they call, which they can't always predict). In practice this makes hacking CL code hostile to interactive development with non-additive syntax modification; which defeats in social conventions a technical feature of the language often touted as cool by its zealots. If syntax-control is added to ASDF, then you can freely do your syntax modifications and be confident that building code won't be adversely affected.

The current branch implements the simpler option of binding variables around ASDF sessions, and using a mutable shared readtable that should only be modified additively. It has probably bitrotten, and should be updated or rewritten. The current maintainer, Robert Goldman, should probably opine on which change to adopt with what schedule (3.3.0? 3.2.2? 3.3.1? 3.4.0?) and sign off the API.

Vanquishing Language Limitations

These two modifications are ((now)low)-hanging fruits in making ASDF a more robust build tool, one that supports working with non-trivial extension to the build system or the Lisp syntax. And in both cases, the limit reached by ASDF is ultimately that CL is a hippie language that allows unrestricted global side-effects and disallows disallowing. Therefore extensions necessarily introduce potential conflict with each other that have to be solved in wetware via convention, whereby all users are to be trusted not go wild with side-effects. The system cannot even detect violations and warn users of a potential mistake; users will have to experience subtle or catastrophic failure and figure out what went wrong.

A better language for a build system should be purer: inasmuch as it has "global" side-effects, it should allow to "fork" the "global" state in an efficient incremental way. Or even better, it should make it easy to catch side-effects and write this forking support in userland. At the very least, it would make it possible to detect violations and warn the user. Bazel is an example build system with an extension language that has local side-effects, but globally has pure forked environments. A successor to ASDF could similarly provide a suitably pure dialect of Lisp for extensions.

Happily, adding better syntax control to ASDF suggests an obvious solution: ASDF extensions could be written in an enforceable subset of a suitable extension of Common Lisp. Thus, ASDF extensions, if not random Common Lisp programs, can be made to follow a discipline compatible with a deterministic, reproducible build.

What would be an ideal language in which to write a extensible build system? Well, I tackled that question in another article, the 2021最新创建美国Apple ID,不用再买美区账号啦-百度经验:2021-2-24 · 2021最新创建美国Apple ID,不用再买美区账号啦,2021年最新创建美国AleID教程,不需要梯子!绕过银行卡验证,仅仅需要大陆手机号即可。教你创建AleID美区账号。. That's probably too far from CL to be in the future of ASDF as such, though: the CL extension would be too large to fit ASDF's requirement of minimalism. On the other hand, if such a language and build system is ever written, interest for CL and ASDF might wane in favor of said latter build system.

In any case, in addition to not being a blub language, features that will make for a great programming language for an integrated build system include the following: making it possible to directly express functional reactive programming, determinism as well as system I/O, laziness as well as strictness, reflection to map variables to filesystem and/or version control as well as to stage computations in general including dynamic build plans, hygiene in syntax extension and file reference, modularity in the large as well as in the small, programmable namespace management, the ability to virtualize computations at all sizes and levels of abstractions, to instrument code, etc.


Now, before we get reproducible builds, we also need to enable cross-compilation for ASDF systems, so the necessarily unrestricted side-effects of compiling Common Lisp code cannot interfere with the rest of the build. Cross-compilation also allows building on a different platform, which would be important to properly support MOCL, but would probably also mesh well with support for building software in arbitrary other languages.

Importantly, instead of the (perform operation component) protocol that specifies how to build software in the current image, a 梯子之王最新版|梯子之王游戏下载_v1.0_单机8下载站:2021-6-12 · 梯子之王游戏梯子之王游戏是一款休闲的游戏,这里面有各种趣味的关卡,可众根据你的判断找到破解的方法,搭上梯子来冒险吧。有兴趣的系小伙伴快来下载试试吧!!最可靠的下载 protocol (or maybe one where the target information has been made part of the operation object) would return forms specifying how to build software, which could then happen in separate Lisp or non-Lisp process, on the same machine or on another worker of a distributed build farm.

Note however, that one essential constraint of ASDF is that it should keep working in-image in the small and not depend on external processes or additional libraries. Any serious effort towards a "deterministic build" should therefore remain an extension indeed (though one users would load early).

Still, if this extension is to remain compatible with ASDF and its .asd files, providing a backward-compatible path forward, then modifications and cleanups may have to be done to ASDF itself so it behaves well. Even keeping that hypothetical deterministic build separate, I expect non-trivial changes to the ASDF API to enable it, such as the perform-form protocol mentioned above. But backward-compatibility and smooth transition paths have always been the name of the game for ASDF; they are what make possible an ecosystem with thousands of packages.

梯子之王最新版|梯子之王游戏下载_v1.0_单机8下载站:2021-6-12 · 梯子之王游戏梯子之王游戏是一款休闲的游戏,这里面有各种趣味的关卡,可众根据你的判断找到破解的方法,搭上梯子来冒险吧。有兴趣的系小伙伴快来下载试试吧!!最可靠的下载

Thus, even though ASDF will stay forever an in-image build system, and even though a deterministic build extension (let's call it FDSA, the Federated Deterministic System Assembler) may ultimately remain as little used as POIU (i.e. because it lacks sufficient benefits to justify the transition costs), I expect the design of the base ASDF to be deeply influenced by the development of such a tool (if it happens).

Looking for new developers

Robert Goldman and I are not getting younger, not getting more interested in ASDF, and we're not getting paid to hack on it. We are looking for young Common Lisp hackers to join us as developers, and maybe some day become maintainers, while we're still there to guide them through the code base. Even without the ambition (and resources) to actually work towards a hypothetical FDSA, our TODO file is full of items of all sizes and difficulties that could use some love. So, whatever your level of proficiency, if you feel like hacking on a build system both quite practical and full of potentiality, there are plenty of opportunities for you to work on ASDF (or a successor?) and do great, impactful work.

Tags: #_, asdf, common lisp, design, en, 苹果手机用的梯子, programming languages, ios翻外墙用什么


eyes black and white



Under threat of genocide and annexation by China!

A machiavellian plan by China for the annexation of Vietnam is being implemented with the complicity of the communist power in Hanoi to general indifference!

In 1979, China invaded Vietnam in retaliation for Vietnam's intervention in Cambodia. The resulting Sino-Vietnamese border war, lasted not only a few months as per the official version, but ten years, until 1989. It was marked by unheard of atrocities from a 620,000 strong Chinese army that razed everything in its wake: they destroyed four entire cities and villages, massacred all their inhabitants including children after gang raping the women. Yet, when their ally and sponsor the Soviet Empire fell in 1990, the dictators in Hanoi, rather than lose their power by reconverting themselves as democrats as in Eastern Europe, preferred to pledge allegiance to China and offered their country in exchange for Beijing's support. The secret treaty signed in Chengdu had its brief content only disclosed in April 2013: documents stolen from the Vietnamese Secret Service of Defense were handed over to Foreign Policy Magazine by General Hà Thanh Châu, after he applied for asylum in the United States. According to this treaty, the dictators in Hanoi commit themselves to the gradual transformation of Vietnam into a Chinese province like Tibet. The evolution will take place in three stages of twenty years each:

2000-2024: Vietnam becomes an autonomous province,

2024-2040: Vietnam becomes a dependent province,

2040-2060: Vietnam trades its name for Âu Lạc (named after two ancient ethnic groups living between the two countries) and will be subject to the administration of the governor of GuangZhou.

The 1990 surrender was merely the explicit execution of what Hồ Chí Minh pledged in return for the military aid granted by Mao ZeDong during the First Indochina War. By the "Vietnam-China Cooperation Agreement" signed on 12/6/1953 in GuangXi, Hồ promised to thereafter "merge the Vietnamese workers' party with the Chinese Communist Party" and to make "the Vietnamese democratic republic an element of the People's Republic of China".

Under the pretense of active cooperation with the Big Brother from the North, the process of tibetization of Vietnam took place as follows:

Political Bringing to Heel:

- In 1999, a land border treaty stipulated the transfer of 900 km² (equivalent to 60% of the area of the ​​Thái Bình province), including half of the Bản Giốc waterfall and the Nam Quan border crossing, two historical sites dear to the heart of the Vietnamese.

- In 2000 by a treaty on the Gulf of Tonkin the dictators in Hanoi ceded to China nearly half (44% or 16000 km²) of the territorial waters in the gulf as well as the beach of Tục Lãm. The Chinese were also granted the right to exploit economically the riches of the gulf in the Vietnamese zone, under guise of cooperation. These two treatises are actually but the application texts of three treaties signed by Hồ Chí Minh with Beijing in 1957, 1961, 1963.

- In 2013 ten resolutions on cooperation allow Beijing to control the entire policy-making of Vietnam. Chinese people from China or formerly from Vietnam (those who left in 1978) were specially trained and placed by the Chinese government in various leadership positions at all levels within all Vietnamese institutions, especially in the police and the army, up to the highest state positions: At present, President of the Republic Trần Đại Quang, Deputy Prime Minister Hoang Trung Hải considered Beijing's right-hand man, Deputy Speaker Tô Huy Rứa and Minister of Police Tô Lâm are Chinese or from Chinese origin. Thus, executives and dignitaries who are rebellious to sinicization are quickly spotted and neutralized: Some twenty high-ranking officers known for their hostility to China, including General Staff Đào Trung Lịch and the Commander-in-Chief of the 2nd Military Zone Trần Tất Thanh, disappeared in an "aircraft accident due to fog" in May 1998; more recently, in July 2016, just three months after his appointment, General Lê Xuân Duy, another commander-in-chief of the same zone (very important because of its neighborhood with China and Laos), war hero of the Sino-Vietnamese War of 1979, experienced a rather "sudden death". The same kind of death struck in December 2016 minister of defense Phùng Quang Thanh, long pro-Chinese, when he displayed patriotic inclinations.

- In 2014, the treaty on a "project for two strategic corridors" grants China the right to economically exploit the six border provinces (that is, actually, the destruction of the country's magnificent primary forests) and the Điện Biên region, as well as the establishment of two strategic corridors, Lào Cai - Hà Nội - Hải Phòng and Móng Cái - Hà Nội.

- In January 2017, Nguyễn Phú Trọng, the current secretary-general of the party, went to Beijing to sign 15 conventions promoting closer cooperation between the two countries, in particular in the fields of the military, the police and culture. This cooperation should be understood as a greater subjection, with the eventual incorporation of the Vietnamese army and police into the Chinese army and police, that is, the end of Vietnam.

- As for the occupation of the Paracel and Spratly islands by China, the dictators in Hanoi endorse it in a way for they repress any public demonstration against it, and they do not protest much or with much vigor against the Chinese building and drilling there.

All these treaties were followed by economic agreements enabling Beijing to send en masse its nationals to the most strategic places of Vietnam, under cover of being employees and workers:

- Agreement for two joint ventures (actually Chinese ventures since the majority of the capital comes from China) to exploit bauxite. These companies are installed on the "roof" of the Highlands of the Center region, from where one can dominate all Indochina.

- Agreement for the exploitation by the Chinese of the primary forests, which amounts to letting China destroy the most beautiful natural resources of Vietnam while giving it control on the most crucial points of the north of the country.

- Permission for Chinese companies to settle on all the Vietnamese coast, from Móng Cái to Cà Mau.

- Possibility for the Chinese to found Chinese cities throughout the country as in Bình Dương, where the only language used is Chinese and where trade is made in Chinese yuan.

- Permission for Chinese nationals to come to Vietnam without a visa, to move and settle freely in Vietnam where they can marry Vietnamese women whose children will become systematically Chinese. On the other hand, a visa is still required for Vietnamese people going to China, and many Chinese districts in Vietnam are prohibited to Vietnamese people, and even to Vietnamese public authorities.

The tacit recognition of Vietnam's belonging to China is shows up in the adoption of a 6-star Chinese flag: a large star surrounded by five instead of the four small official stars. There the Vietnamese people are symbolically represented as one new conquered people, on an equal footing with the peoples of Manchuria, Inner Mongolia, Tibet and the Uighur country. This Chinese flag appeared for the first time in 2011 in the background behind a speaker of the VTV official television; it aroused such an indignant interrogation that it was quickly withdrawn; yet it was seen again in thousand copies agitated by the Vietnamese schoolchildren for the welcome of the Chinese vice president Xi Jinping in 2012. Faced with the general outcry, the government bald-facedly blamed the fact on a technical mistake by the flag manufacturers (sic!). This did not prevent said flag from appearing in a meeting room of Vietnamese and Chinese high-ranking officers in Lào Cai in 2015 and currently in many police stations.

Moreover, the red flag with a yellow star in the middle which officially represents communist Vietnam, as imposed by Hồ Chí Minh to Vietnam, is but the emblem of the young Chinese communist pioneers (and not that of the Fujian province as the rumor claims). This adds up with the strong probability that the famous Hồ Chí Minh, identified with the Vietnamese revolutionary Nguyễn Tất Thành alias Nguyễn Ái Quốc, was in fact a Chinese imposter, his look-alike Hồ Tập Chương alias Hồ Quang: he had been commissioned by the Communist International to personify the Vietnamese Soviet spy after his death in 1932 in the jails of Hong Kong. This identification was revealed in 1946 by a Taiwanese author, Ngô Trọc Lưu, in a book titled "Hồ Chí Minh" written in Japanese; it was confirmed in 1949 by a local CCP newspaper, Cương Sơn; and it was clearly reaffirmed in a controversial biography on "Hồ Chí Minh's half-life" published by another Taiwanese scholar, Hấ Tuấn Hùng in 2008. This trait speaks volumes about the annexationist machination of Chinese leaders and the depth and duration of their determination to conquer Vietnam.

There is no surprise after this that the Chinese behave as arrogant masters. Some high dignitaries in Beijing do not deprive themselves of publicly calling Vietnamese leaders "ungrateful bastards" when Hanoi dares shyly protest against one of their abuses.

Vietnam's submission to China means the violent repression of all anti-Chinese demonstrations: demonstrations against the occupation of land on the northern border; against the occupation of the traditionally Vietnamese Paracel and Spratly Islands coveted by most countries in the region for its rich oil reserves amounting to 25% of the world's reserves, that China took from Vietnam in 1974 and 1988; or against the establishment of bauxite plants in an environmentally sensitive region in 2009-2011; etc. Hundreds of patriotic activists were arrested, beaten and sent to prison where many of them died as a result of ill-treatment. Repression, moreover, is still the norm, as for instance in recent months towards protestors against the Formosa company (Taiwanese by its name, with its seat in Formosa, but it is Chinese by its capital and therefore its management).

Cultural subjection:

Political expansion is hardly conceivable without cultural influence. For Beijing this influence can only be understood by the sinicization of the conquered people. Since the Vietnamese are destined to merge into the great Chinese melting pot, it is necessary to erase the traces of hereditary antagonism in them and to deprive them at the same time from the pride of their historical past. Thus, Beijing imposed various measures on Hanoi:

- Obliviate the valiant resistance to the Chinese army in the war of 1979-1989: To the helpless indignation of the veterans, Hanoi had to desecrate the graves of Vietnamese soldiers who died on the northern border. Anything about that war and their heroism was erased from their graves. On the other hand, cemeteries and monuments were erected in honor of the Chinese soldiers who fell in Vietnam. Anti-Chinese publications, abundant during the war, went missing entirely; and henceforth the rare mentions of this war in official history textbooks fit in eleven lines, such that the young Vietnamese ignore its very existence. On the annexations of frontier lands as well as of the Paracel and Spratly Islands, a radio silence is strictly observed, and also on the frequent abuses by the Chinese army such as the strafing of fishing boats or the shooting down of Vietnamese aircraft off the territorial waters of Vietnam, half of which was appropriated by China.

- Avoid the glorification of the great heroes of history honored for their victorious struggle against the Chinese invader. There were discussions about removing their statues from public places, but the overly sensitive subject was put aside and the authorities were content to remove those in private houses (a recent case being the statue of General Trần Hưng Đạo, a great victor against the Mongols, erected in the house of a resident of the province of Lâm Đồng).

- No assimilation can take place without language adoption. Unlike English, a language that is very flexible and easy to learn, unfortunately for China's hegemonic ambitions, the Chinese language with its ideographic writing lends itself poorly to spreading internationally and does not appeal to the Vietnamese. If you do not want to learn it voluntarily, you will learn it by force: decrees were therefore issued at the end of 2016 to impose Chinese as a compulsory first language in secondary school and to introduce Chinese as a second language in primary school. At the moment programs entirely in Chinese are broadcast by the Vietnamese radio and television; and even in the Vietnamese programs, Chinese songs are interspersed among national music.

Destruction of the economy:

Hanoi and Beijing both had to keep secret the contents of the 1990 treaty for fear of the unanimous revolt of the Vietnamese people—who as a result of the lessons of the history are animated by a visceral hostility towards the predatory neighbor. On the one hand, Beijing wanted to avoid having to face 90 million resistance fighters when the officially proclaim the annexation; on the other hand, they coveted Vietnam mostly for its mineral wealth (especially bauxite and oil) and its favorable strategic situation in South-East Asia; thus, they verily connived an enterprise of genocide against the Vietnamese people, with a view to a repopulation by Chinese people; and this entreprise began immediately after they signed the treaty. Faced with the methodical destruction of the economy and the parallel poisoning of all their sources of life, young able Vietnamese have been and will be driven to emigrate; those who remain will be reduced over the years to the sick and impotent, while coming children are destined to be weak or deformed.

Destruction of agriculture:

Vietnam derives its main resources from its thriving agriculture that still occupies more than half of its population, from its fisheries, its tourism, and also its oil (since 2000). The rice food crop for which Vietnam is still the second largest producer in the world and the third largest exporter, was therefore Beijing's first target:

The vast Mekong Delta, Vietnam's rice granary, depends on the annual alluvial floods that ensure its fertility. But China established a series of 6 dams in Yunnan upstream of the Mekong (4 more are planned, besides the project of two canals that will divert the water of the river in the surroundings), in particular the gigantic dams of Xiaowan (Capacity: 15 billion m³, 2010) and Nuozhadu (capacity: 23 billion m³, 2012); and now the other countries that live on the Mekong are helpless before the decline of their river economy. They cannot hold accountable the powerful Chinese; and so the Chinese manipulate the flows of the river at their whim, without even warning the residents; they ignore the warnings the Mekong Regional Commission in which they refuse to belong; and so these countries prefer to participate in the scramble by building their own dams with Beijing's blessing and financial contribution (11 planned in Laos who dream of being a major supplier of electricity to the region, including the enormous Xayaburi on the main river, already being build; 2 projects in Cambodia and 2 more in Thailand).

Vietnam, downstream in the delta, can only take notice of the damage: facing prolonged droughts and devastating floods, soils are depleted due to lack of sediments, compounded by salinization due to the increase in temperature and the rise of seawater; fresh water levels are declining dangerously, leading to shortages and to the fall of fish stocks; with the change of temperature, insects and fungi multiply, spreading diseases (notably the dengue fever) and destroying the crops. To the action of dams, add the destruction of the mangroves, especially in the extreme south, in order to raise shrimps for export, at the instigation of seafood freezing companies, most of which are run by the Chinese. Without the trees to fix the land, the coasts erode and each year 500 ha (1200 acres) disappear in Cà Mau which will soon no longer have the shape of a point.

As a result, the area of ​​rice fields is decreasing and their yield has dropped by 15% over the last decade; the situation is deteriorating so rapidly that there may be a risk of famine in the years to come. For paradoxically, whereas Vietnam is a large exporter of rice, its residents are often forced to eat imported rice; this is due to the fact that the major part (60%) of the crops is pre-empted by the State which buys it at very low prices from the producers (3000 đ/kg instead of 4500 đ/kg on the market), for export. Where to? mostly (40%) to China (at the price of 6000 đ/kg), which in exchange for good Vietnamese rice sells to the Vietnamese population its own poor quality rice, sometimes mixed with plastic beans called "faux rice", at a price double or triple (up to 30000 đ/kg). Exploited and discouraged by poor working conditions, driven from a land that has become arid, a growing number of peasants abandon the profession, emigrate to the city or to neighboring countries, abandoning land to the Chinese who are eager to acquire it.

Determined to grab as much land as possible for their colonization, the Chinese find a thousand tricks each more diabolical than the others to ruin the reluctant peasants and push them to abandon their homes. Their subtle cruelty finds an easy prey in the little peasantry, that is poor hence greedy, ignorant and credulous :

- Chinese traders traveling all over the country locate peasants in difficulty and offer to buy the four clogs of their buffalo at the price of the animal; the poor things accept, thinking they can earn double since the animal killed for its hooves can thereafter be sold as meat. Since the buffalo is the working tool for the peasant, once it has disappeared, the peasant will have no choice left but to acquiesce to any suggestion from the Chinese: to fill his rice field to plant subsistence crops or shrubs, using toxic Chinese fertilizers and pesticides (which do not comply with any international standards) sold to him on credit by the merchant, who promises in return to buy him the product of his harvest at a good price. The promise is often held at least the first year; then, under any pretense (e.g. the product in question is no longer required) the merchant or another of his accomplices refuses the purchase of the product at the expected price. The peasant must content himself with selling his perishable goods at a low price. The peasant finally over-indebted is obliged to cede his land to the Chinese or one of his accomplices to emigrate elsewhere.

- Alternatively, in areas where certain crops prosper, the trader offers to buy all the leaves of the tuber (e.g. cassava) or the plant, or also all the roots of the plant, at a much higher price than the harvest itself. As a result, the tuber can not grow, the plant dies and the farmer is deprived of seed or seedling for the next season. Again the trader offers fertilizers and pesticides for the planting of a fruit, a flower, etc., with very good yield, etc. The trick of buying the roots was used for the destruction of pepper crops, one of the riches of Central Vietnam.

- A hundred-year-old cultivation on the border with Cambodia, the sugar palm, is being eradicated "thanks" to the Chinese who come to propose to the peasants to buy at high prices the trunks of this palm tree. Cut in half the palm tree can only die and there is no question of replanting because the tree produces only after twenty years.

The Chinese will to destroy has no bounds: For somewhat smarter farmers, Chinese "experts" come to advise an increase in income by the breeding of a variety of whelk (pomacea), freshwater lobster (Procambarus), or red turtle, the flesh of which is indeed prized. However, these three species, imported from America, are terribly invasive; they soon invade rice fields, rivers and lakes, canals... killing local flora and fauna, especially young rice plants, to a degree that the FAO is alarmed.

Better or worse, strangers were surprised throwing babies crocodiles in the Mekong. Maybe it was only a rumor. However last month, a buddhist monk, who was even "elected" to the house of representatives, - and who is known for publicly criticizing Lý Thường Kiệt, the Great general who in 1075 won against the Chinese Song dynasty, in a war for the first time offensive and not defensive, for his "insolence" towards the Empire - certainly a Chinese agent, before a public of hundreds of people, threw into the Red River under cover of a rite of deliverance of souls, ten tons of piranhas, enough to infest the entire river and prohibit any activity there. Can you imagine such an act? Facing the general indignation, the authorities have tried to minimize the fact by declaring that those piranhas belonged to an inoffensive variety!

The coffee plantations, for which Vietnam is the world's second largest producer (and the first for the robusta variety), do not undergo a routine destruction by the Chinese, first because it is rather a product for export (only 5% is used for domestic consumption), not indispensable to the life of the population, and secondly because they want to control it: always on the lookout for the slightest opportunity to purchase at a discount, they already count on the sharp fluctuation in the price of coffee, which is causing ruin to planters who are unable to absorb a sharp fall in prices (for example in 2012).

Destruction of forests, Vietnam's lung:

Thirty years of war with massive bombardment destroyed only 16 per cent (not 60 per cent, as claimed by official propaganda) of Vietnamese forests, based on mutually conflicting figures given in various articles, which show that in 1943 Vietnam was forested at 43% (i.e. 140,000 km² out of a total area of 330,000 km²), and from 1943 to 1973, 22,000 km² of forests were destroyed. But 17 years after the war, in 1990, the official forest coverage was only 92,000 km², which means that in peace time 26,000 km² of forests were destroyed, a greater area and faster than during the war. Deforestation is ongoing, despite a massive effort towards reforestation. In 2013, forests covered 39% of the territory, but 25% of these forests are made out of reforestation using low-shade and low-diversity species such as pine and eucalyptus. What more, with deforestation comes the erosion and degradation of bare soils of which 40% becomes unfit for cultivation.

Among the causes of deforestation, the main one is population growth, with its consequent need for space, construction, firewood (for cooking) and for agricultural and industrial development. But the most disastrous factor is organized looting of forests by Chinese operators to whom the Vietnamese government granted the concession to thousands of square kilometers near the northern border and on the highlands of the Center region. This is compounded by the plunder organized by traffickers whose chiefs are usually Chinese, in collusion with local authorities, who derive from this illegal trade, accounting for half of the timber trade, a profit of 2.5 billion USD per year. The deforestation of Vietnam is all the more deplorable since its ravages include beautiful rainforests, especially primary forests that are rare and valuable for their biodiversity (they shelter or used to shelter more than a thousand different species, of which 8.2% are endemic and 3.4% are protected by the United Nations): out of 10% of the area in 1996, there only remained 0.6%, i.e. 80,000 ha in 2012. In a mere 20 years, the communist regime in Hanoi managed to squander the fabulous ancestral inheritance of the golden forests (rừng vàng).

Environmental pollution :

Facing the pollution that poisons their own country, Beijing had the idea of ​​using chemical poisoning to get rid of the Vietnamese. Through political as well as financial pressures, they made Hanoi accept the installation throughout Vietnam of its most polluting industries. Already in 1990, after the end of the Sino-Vietnamese War, many Chinese people who came to or returned to Vietnam went back to trading and opening small businesses, by taking Vietnamese individuals first as front men, then as a partners in a joint venture. Even after 100% foreigner-owned companies were accepted starting in 2005, knowing the Vietnamese distrust of China, many 100% Chinese companies prefer to claim to be a joint venture by allying themselves with corrupt executives, and one can say that today the vast majority of companies in Vietnam have Chinese owners.

Taking advantage of the population's ignorance of the lack of Vietnamese laws, small Chinese production units, like those of the Vietnamese themselves, we must admit, were rejecting their wastes in rivers without restraint, to the dismay of the residents. But for Beijing that was not enough, and the Chinese authorities decided to switch to a higher gear. Whereas China itself closed all its bauxite plants due to environmental damage, after repeated pressures starting in 2001, Beijing eventually obtained in 2007 the signing by Prime Minister Nguyễn Tấn Dũng of the agreement for a project of 6 bauxite plants on a ​​1800 km² concession, to be exploited jointly by the two countries on the Highlands of the Central region, where the third richest deposits of bauxite in the world are located. The location of the first two sites chosen, in DakNong and Lâm Đồng, once known, raised for the first time in Communist Vietnam a protest by scientists, intellectuals and various personalities (petition with 2,600 signatures), who mentioned considerable dangers for the environment and, consequently, for the men and for the cultivation of tea-trees and coffee-trees in the neighborhoods, not to mention the danger of installing thousands of Chinese alleged workers on the "Roof of Indochina". The government ignored these concerns and arrested the leaders of the revolt. Construction of the factories therefore started in 2009. And the people are forbidden to circulate into the area as has become the rule for any large Chinese corporation. What is the result? To install the plants, thousands of acres of primary forest and crop land have been sacrificed, causing impoverishment of the inhabitants (defenseless mountain people); there is now a shortage of fresh water, much of which is captured for the manufacture of alumina; and in the event of heavy rain there are risks of spillage of red sludge out of the two pits where it is stored in the open. An unknown number of Chinese alleged workers are present in the restricted areas, who may or may not actually be factory workers. As for the two factories supposed to bring back a lot of foreign currency to Vietnam, they have not stopped making losses to the point that in 2016 the Ministry of Industry and Commerce had to ask for government assistance to replace obsolete and inefficient Chinese equipments by machines with more advanced technology from other countries.

The ultimate in Chinese duplicity and inhumanity (until now at least) as well as of Vietnamese governmental complicity, was reached with the company Formosa. In 2008, Beijing pressured Hanoi to grant Formosa Plastics group, a Taiwanese company infamous for lawsuits against it for environmental damages, permission to establish a steel plant in the province of Hà Tĩnh in the Center region of Vietnam. For this project, the group formed a subsidiary, the Hung Nghiep Formosa Ha Tinh Company, known simply as Formosa in Vietnam, whose shares were soon bought back by Chinese companies, which in fact made it a Chinese company and no longer a Taiwanese company as many still believe. In 2010, as always through corruption and intimidation, Formosa obtained a 70-year concession for 3300 hectares in Vũng Áng in Kỳ Anh district, just in front of a deep-water port with great military importance, since 500-ton ships and submarines can shelter there. This was already an enormous privilege, since according to Vietnamese laws in force, land ownership is not recognized, only land use, and no individual or group in Vietnam can be issued a land use license for more than 45 years. Yet in addition, Formosa also benefited from a rebate on its property taxes and on its importation taxes, which did not prevent it from practicing fraud in their payment (discovered in 2016) for nearly $ 300 million. It also was granted the right to develop infrastructure at its leisure!

Despite the protests of the expropriated inhabitants, the factory was put under construction in 2012, and in 2015 a huge complex was created on its site, which can be seen on Google maps.

On April 6th 2016, right after the factory was completed, the inhabitants of Vũng Áng found a frightening number of dead fish on their beaches. The following days, till the 18th of April, the phenomenon spread on the coasts of the Center region, affording the spectacle of miles of dead fish estimated to number several millions. The death of the sea, which will prove to be the greatest ecological catastrophe ever seen so far, did not at first provoke any reaction from the authorities. Looking for the cause of the disaster, fishermen-divers detected pipes from Formosa that were spitting out continual jets of a strange red liquid. Then began protests throughout the country against the Chinese company. The Vietnamese authorities did not wake up until 6 weeks after the massacre to speak of a catastrophe and to induce Formosa to accept its responsibility. But instead of immediately shutting down the factory and ordering an investigation into the effects of the pollution, the government was content with a $500 million payment. This was a paltry sum with regards to the damages caused, and none of the victims saw any of it, which leads to wondering whether it was actually paid and if so who pocketed it. Yet, according to the few scientists who came to take stock of the damage, it will take decades or even centuries for the sea to heal from millions of m³ of liquid filled with heavy metals and toxic chemicals (lead, mercury, cadmium, manganese, phenol, cyanide, etc., according to a laboratory independent from the Vietnamese authorities) that Formosa rejected and keeps rejecting in its waters. Today it is no longer the two provinces neighboring Formosa but all four central provinces (Hà Tĩnh, Quảng Bình, Quảng Trị, Thừa Thiên - Huế) that are affected and the body of red waters continues to expand and begins to reach the southern coasts. In order to survive, fishermen try to get fish from the open sea where they risk being slaughtered by armed Chinese fishermen and the Chinese navy, who have seized the eastern sea.

As if Formosa were not enough, in the same region, taking advantage of the rainy season, about twenty Chinese-owned hydroelectric plants discharge the water from their basin without warning into the surrounding countryside, destroying crops and killing several hundreds of people. This kind of flooding caused knowingly and often without notice by the hydroelectric factories has finally aroused in the population a feeling of detestation towards the 7000 dams that produce 40% of the national electricity, that Hanoi is spreading throughout the country, in imitation of the Chinese in China.

More importantly, in the midst of the Formosa scandal, the Chinese, in contempt of the entire world, and using the Vietnamese company Hoa Sen as a front, were granted the license for the installation of another steelworks plant of equal size in Cà Ná, Province of Ninh Thuận, in the south of the country. If this plant comes into existence and starts to dump its waste into the sea like that of the Center region, there is no doubt that all the coastal provinces of Vietnam will become uninhabitable for its natives and that the maritime economy will collapse completely.

To perfect the destruction of the South, in 2008 the Chinese, through the company Lee & Man, were granted the construction of a gigantic paper mill to produce 420,000 tons of paper per year on the Sông Hậu, the great river feeding the delta, in the face of unanimous protests. This plant, which is supposed to be in operation this year, will certainly kill the river with its enormous quantities of toxic waste including hydroxide, and will ruin rice crops as well as aquaculture in the West.

Unlike other foreign companies, that are not harmful, Chinese companies located all over Vietnam are all very polluting by the nature of their products and blithely dump their waste into the atmosphere, the soil and the waters. Vietnamese lakes and rivers are already blackish or reddish depending on the substances that are spilled there. The soil is impregnated with fertilizers and pesticides that contaminate crops. China is even suspected of exporting its own toxic waste to Vietnam, with or without a license from Hanoi, and of burying it in various parts of the country, based on the testimony of a few repentant accomplices. Besides, where does Formosa get so much toxic waste from, when, according to their own declaration, their stoves will not quite be ready until some time in 2017?

Consequences of pollution:

The Vietnamese population is extremely scared now for its health. Besides the air that they breathe, the water they use for their ablutions and their washing, all their food is now likely to poison them. Fruits and vegetables are not only stuffed with highly harmful Chinese pesticides but also dangerous Chinese chemicals that either magnify them or prolong their apparent freshness. Moreover, since the Sino-Vietnamese treaties, food products imported from China invade the Vietnamese markets and they are even worse: there is no week without the newspapers reporting cases of intoxication caused by one of these products, or without revealing cases of fake rice, fake eggs, fake noodles, fake meats, fake coffee, and so on, all faked with industrial chemicals. How can you protect yourself since you must eat to live? How to know if the fruit or vegetable you eat is not contaminated, if the meat you are enjoying is not tampered with, if the fish you buy is not packed with toxic metals, if the nước mắm you are consuming is not made from these intoxicated fish and if the salt that is used does not come from a polluted coastline? Vietnam has become a country with a high rate of cancer patients; the death toll from cancer, estimated by WHO in 2015 based on reports from Vietnamese hospitals, is 350 per day; there are 130,000 new cases every year, and these figures are expected to increase sharply after the Formosa disaster.

However, the government, complicit of the polluters, refuses to take sanitary measures. It rejects any request for analysis of the water. After the Formosa scandal, it even forbids doctors to examine the blood of the inhabitants of the Central provinces, for fear of exploitation by "enemy forces" (a term that refers to groups of opponents of the regime). The "genociders" of Beijing can rub their hands. The Southwest Vietnam and Central Vietnam are gradually being emptied of their population, driven by the misery to emigrate abroad on the incentive of the government. And most of these uneducated emigrants have no other resource than to join the lumpenproletariat of the host country which receives them badly and despises them. Ironically, following the example of Donald Trump, the Cambodian prime minister recently spelled out plans to build a wall on the Vietnamese border to prevent the paperless Vietnamese from entering Cambodia! Meanwhile, thousands if not millions of Chinese people have been settled in Vietnam, where the authorities have reserved the best places for them, wherein the Vietnamese who have been living there for generations have been expropriated for an insignificant indemnity, thus creating groups of "dân oan" (victims of injustice) that can be seen gathered around the capital or prefectures to claim a reparation that will never be made.

Military threats:

Unlike free countries that host foreign companies only with a view to procuring work for their citizens, the Vietnamese government suffers without objection that Chinese companies import all their personnel to the tens of thousands or even more, and refuse any control on the part of its administration. Also part of this behavior of servility/arrogance is a concern to conceal a much more worrying reality. The immense areas conceded to China for their factories that do not require as much, moreover located in the most strategic locations of the country, protected by barbed wire and prohibited to all Vietnamese, even to representatives of public authority, may house only military complexes whose staff consists of alleged factory employees. Arms of all sizes passed through the open border can be easily camouflaged, especially if tunnels are dug. Moreover, if we are to believe the rumor, the Chinese are in the process of (or have finished) constructing in secret two tunnels large enough for the use of tanks and lorries, to connect the region of the Highlands and The Mekong Delta.

At present, in the event of an armed invasion, China can move regiments at any time through North Vietnam, whose border region and Tonkin Bay are already under its control; in the Center region it has bases on the Highlands as well as on the coast with the port of Vũng Áng where its submarines and large ships can enter. Farther away, the south will be reached by troops descended from the Center region, and also by aircraft from the recently built airports on the Paracel and Spratly Islands stolen from Vietnam. If current intrigues succeed, China will soon become the owner of several regional airports on the brink of bankrupcy, that it can transform into military airfields.

In order to complete the encirclement of Vietnam and to control all its supply lines by either land or sea, China has established a solid alliance with Laos and Cambodia; the latter has even leased a naval base for 90 years in the port of Sihanoukville from where China can monitor the South Sea. In case of necessity, for example of American intervention, it deployed a row of ground-to-air missiles on the Paracel Islands. Where are these missiles pointed at, if not towards Vietnam, barely thirty kilometers away.

All these military preparations merely materialize China's warlike ambition. This is an ambition China never concealed: on the website of the Chinese army sina.com, the authors of articles published on 5/9/2008 and then on 20/12/2014 explain how China can quickly conquer Vietnam! But, as good followers of Sun Tzu and lovers of the game of go, especially after the failed invasion of 1979, the Chinese prefer to use force only as a last resort after stifling the opponent. Thus, for decades China has patiently applied to its little neighbor the "strategy of the silkworm", a small animal that is able to overcome a large pile of mulberry leaves by nibbling it bit by bit.

The Vietnamese population, caught between the Chinese hammer and the government anvil, prefers for the most part to live in denial or in fatalism. But the deniers of the Chinese threat can not dispute the omnipresence of the Chinese in the country; and since the leaks on the 1990 treaty, especially since the development of the "livestream" technique on Facebook that allows the direct exchange of information, they become aware of the imminent danger that the communist power wants to hide from them. For their part, the traitors of the State apparatus, who have been in the know for a long time, seek only to build up a substantial personal fortune through racketeering and corruption, and then to transfer this fortune abroad by means licit or illicit. Vietnam is in danger of bankruptcy with a current debt of USD 117 billion equivalent to 64% of GDP, that it cannot pay (on the deadline of July 2017, servicing the debt will amount to 24% of the national budget), at a time that country's coffers are empty (in many places, civil servants and employees of government companies haven't been paid for months). Meanwhile, it is estimated that more than USD 600 billion of money stolen from the Vietnamese people by the apparatchiks was deposited in the United States, and more than 200 billion USD in Swiss banks. All these Communist felons continue to assuage the people with lies, to praise the sweetness of living in a Vietnam moving towards modernity; but they themselves take the precaution of sending their wives and children in advance to capitalist countries, preferably in the most "detested", the United States. The "spoilsports" who oppose this travesty of justice, those who assist victims, the "democrats", the citizens who are openly hostile to the Party or to China, are tolerated for a certain time in order to convince international opinion that they live in a free country. Then on a beautiful day or rather on a beautiful night (as is the custom in dictatorships) they are arrested, beaten, imprisoned, sometimes killed. A few days ago, the political police thus kidnapped the most notorious democrats, and detained them in places unknown, so as to discourage those who are tempted to participate in the general demonstration of 5/3/2017. In Saigon, those who had the courage to demonstrate were harshly repressed, and on this occasion they discovered that the most brutal police officers who beat them cruelly are in fact Chinese.

Apart from the minority of the watchdogs of the regime, the Vietnamese people refuse the idea of ​​any Anschluss with China. But, betrayed by their own leaders who have become the "domestic enemy," how can they oppose the powerful "foreign enemy" when the fateful hour comes? The only hope for Vietnam to remain independent is a general uprising large enough to overthrow the power of Hanoi and install in its place a democratic government that will take national interests to heart and establish military alliances with free countries. And that before a Chinese military deployment. Yet, one of the most cruel political regimes in existence has submitted the South of Vietnam for half a century and the North of Vietnam for a century. And the Vietnamese have lost their energy and confidence in themselves. To revolt, they must overcome the paralyzing fear of the ire of the regime, a fear that is inculcated in them from childhood.

Meanwhile, time is short and we cannot watch without reacting the slow death of a once proud and courageous people. To you all men and women of good will, who love justice and freedom, I beseech you to look into the drama of Vietnam! Alert international public opinion to counter Beijing's annexationist machinations! Especially those among you, who by your vociferations against the Vietnam War in the 1960s, helped push America to abandon the republic of South Vietnam to bring it into the hands of the sinister clique of assassins from Hanoi, take your responsibilities and redeem yourself by denouncing the Chinese political crimes as strongly you former denounced the US! Show the Vietnamese that they are actively supported, and by the warmth of your sympathy communicate to them the flame they lack to overcome their fear! Help them to take back their right to live free in a free country!

Paris, 2017-03-09, revised version 2017-04-19
Đặng Phương Nghi
Em: dpnghi@gmail.com
Tags: anschluss, china, en, vietnam

Mar. 25th, 2017

eyes black and white

Why I haven't jumped ship from Common Lisp to Racket (just yet)

Matthias Felleisen ios可众用的梯子 "Why are you still using CL when Scrbl/Racket is so much better :-)" ? My response was as follows:


you are right Racket is so much better in so many dimensions. I use Lisp because I just can't bear programming in a language without proper syntactic abstraction, and that is a dimension where Racket is far ahead of Common Lisp (CL), which sadly also remains far ahead of the rest of the competition. Racket also has managed to grow a remarkable way to mix typed and untyped program fragments, which sets it ahead of most. But I am under the impression that there are still many dimensions in which Racket lags behind other languages in general and Common Lisp (CL) in particular.

  1. The Common Lisp Object System (CLOS) has multiple-inheritance, multi-methods, method combinations, introspection and extensibility via the MOP, generic functions that work on builtin classes, support for dynamic instance class change (change-class, update-instance-for-changed-class) and class redefinition (defclass, update-instance-for-redefined-class), a semi-decent story for combining parametric polymorphism and ad hoc polymorphism (my own lisp-interface-library), etc. Racket seems to still be playing catch-up with respect to ad hoc polymorphism, and is lacking a set of good data structure libraries that take advantage of both functional and object-oriented programming (a good target is Scala's scalaz or its rival cats).
  2. While the ubiquity of global side-effects in CL is very bad, the facts that all objects that matter are addressable by a path from some global namespace and that live redefinition is actively supported makes debugging and maintaining long-lived systems with in-image persistent data more doable (see again CLOS's update-instance-for-redefined-class). This is in contrast with the Racket IDE which (at least by default) drops live data when you recompile the code, which is fine for student exercises, but probably wrong for live systems. CL is one of the few languages that takes long-term data seriously (though not quite as seriously as Erlang).
  3. Libraries. CL seems to have much more libraries than Racket, and though the quality varies, these libraries seem to often have more feature coverage and more focus on production quality. From a cursory look, Racket libraries seem to be more ambitious in their concepts, but to often stop at "good enough for demo" in their practice. An effort on curating libraries, homogenizing namespaces, etc., could also help Racket (I consider CL rather bad in this respect, yet Racket seems worse). My recent experience with acmart, my first maintained Racket library, makes me think that writing libraries is even higher overhead in Racket than in CL, which is already mediocre.
  4. Speedwise, SBCL still produces code that runs noticeably faster than Racket (as long as you don't need full delimited control, which would requires a much slower CL-to-CL compiler like hu.dwim.delico). This difference may be reduced (or even reversed) as Racket adopts the notoriously fast Chez Scheme as a backend (or then again not). Actually, the announcement of the new Racket backend really makes me eager to jump ship.
  5. As for startup latency, Common Lisp is also pretty good with its saved images (they start in tens of milliseconds on my laptop), making it practical to write trivial utilities for interactive use from the shell command-line with an "instantaneous" feel. Racket takes hundreds of milliseconds at startup which puts it (barely) in the "noticeable delay" category (though nowhere near as bad as anything JVM-based).

All these reasons, in addition to inertia (and a non-negligible code-base and mind-base), have made me stick to CL — for now. I think Racket is the future of Lisp (at least for me), I just haven't jumped ship right yet. If and when I do, I'll probably be working on some of these issues.

PS (still 2017-03): Here are ways that Racket is indeed vastly superior to CL, that make me believe it's the future of Lisp:

  • First and foremost, Racket keeps evolving, and not just "above" the base language, but importantly below. This alone makes it vastly superior to CL (that has evolved tremendously "above" its base abstractions, but hasn't evolved "below", except for FFI purpose, in the last 20 years), which itself remains superior to most languages (that tend to not evolve much "above", and not at all "below" their base abstractions).
  • Racket is by far ahead of the pack in terms of Syntactic abstraction. It is the best language in which to define other languages and experiment with them, bar none.
  • Racket has a decent module system, including build and phase separation (even separate phases for testing, cross-compilation or whatever you want), and symbol selection and renaming.
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  • Racket has lots of great teaching material.
  • Racket has a one-stop-shop for documentation, though it isn't always easy to navigate and often lack examples. That still puts it far ahead of CL and a lot of languages.
  • Racket provides purity by default, with a decent set of pure as well as stateful data structures.
  • Racket has many primitives for concurrency, virtualization, sandboxing.
  • Racket has standard primitives for laziness, pattern-matching, etc.
  • Racket has a standard, portable, gui.
  • Racket has a lively, healthy, user and developer community.

I probably forget more.

PS (2017-08-23): A few months onward, I've mostly jumped ship from Common Lisp... but not to Racket, and instead to Gerbil Scheme.

As ASDF 3.3.0 gets released (imminently), I don't intend to code much more in Common Lisp, except to minimally maintain my existing code base until it gets replaced by Gerbil programs (if ever). (There's also a syntax-control branch of ASDF I'd like to update and merge someday, but it's been sitting for 3 years already and can wait longer.)

What is Gerbil? Gerbil Scheme started as an actor system that vyzo wrote over 10 years ago at MIT, that once ran on top of PLT Scheme. vyzo was dissatisfied with some aspects of PLT Scheme (now Racket), notably regarding performance for low-level system code and concurrency (at the time at least), but loved the module system (for good reasons), so when he eventually jumped ship to Gambit (that had great performance and was good for system programming, with its C backend), he of course first reimplemented the PLT module system on top of Gambit, or at least the essential features of it. (The two module systems were never fully compatible, and have diverged since, but they remain conceptually close, and I suppose if and when the need arise, Gerbil could be made to converge towards PLT in terms of features and/or semantics.)

Why did I choose Gerbil instead of Racket, like I intended?

  1. A big reason why I did is that I have a great rapport with the author, vyzo, a like mind whom I befriended back in those days. A lot of our concerns and sense of aesthetics are very much in synch, and that matters both for what there is and what may come to be. Conversely, the bigger features that Racket has that Gerbil is lacking (e.g. a GUI) are those that matter less to me at this point.
  2. What there is, the module system, the actor system, the object system, the libraries, is far from as complete as I could wish, but it is all in good taste, and with the promise that they can be molded to what we both want in the future.
  3. While the code base is smaller than in PLT, it is also more consistent and with a coherent sense of aesthetics, being implemented by one man (so far). It also happens to cover the kind of domains for which I'm most in need of libraries, and it also has a bias towards industrial applicability that you can't expect from PLT and its legion of academics and interns (see my discussion of PLT above).
  4. Sitting on top of Gambit does not just mean relatively efficient code (as far as Scheme is concerned), but it also means enjoying the portability of its GVM, and some of these properties are especially interesting to me: its observability.

Observability is the property (whose name I coined in my 苹果手机用的梯子) whereby you can interrupt the execution of the program and observe it at the level of abstraction of your language (in this case, the GVM). This already allows Gambit to migrate processes from one machine to the other, even though the machines may be using completely different backends (C on ia32, C on AA64, JS, PHP, Java, etc.) For my thesis, I want to generalize observability from the GVM to arbitrary virtual machines written on top of it for arbitrary languages, with plenty of cool implications (including e.g. Erlang-style robustness; see said thesis). Working on the GVM will save me having to care about plenty of CPU- or VM- dependent backends that I would have to deal with if I wanted to write a compiler from scratch or reuse an existing one. I notably tried to read the source of Chez Scheme, that PLT Racket is adopting as a new backend (moving from its own horribly complex yet ultimately slow C codebase); but it is largely inscrutable, and with its tens of backends would require much more work before a prototype is achieved.

I therefore have a lot of personal reasons to adopt Gerbil. I understand that Gerbil in its current state, is no rival to either Racket or Common Lisp (or Haskell or OCaml, or even blub languages), for most people in most situations. Yet there are probably other people for whom it is a better fit, as it is for me; and I invite these people to come join forces and enjoy writing in Gerbil. It's still barebones in many ways, yet already quite a pleasure to work with, at least for me.

Tags: common lisp, en, lisp, programming languages, 苹果的梯子, scheme

Dec. 15th, 2016

eyes black and white

Reading Greek Mythology

As I read "d'Aulaires Book of Greek Myths" to Véra, I am reminded of Paul Rosenberg's "Production vs Plunder", and how it interprets the history of religion and state; and it becomes painfully obvious to me, which was never mentioned when I was a kid, that the stories of Gods violently defeating other Gods by allying with other Gods — were the oral tradition remnants of stories of inter-ethnic strife, whereby one ethno-cultural group violently imposes it supremacy through wars and alliances, only to be eventually toppled by another group.

Greek mythology, like other less-documented polytheistic mythologies, is often retrospectively presented as some kind of structured view of the world, some sort of single coherent static religion where every God has a well defined role in the Universe. But nothing could be further from the Truth. Complex structures like established religions do not arise out of the divagations of some mad poet inventing random gods in drunken stupor. No, established religions they are the fruit of cultural, economical and political confrontations among and between many people rivaling for dominance, whether peacefully or violently. And this confrontation does not follow an orderly plan, but is a mess, a market, a war, an enterprise, and much more; a dynamic reality where gods are memes backed by money as well as swords, by farmers as well as intellectuals, by the inertia of large ethnic groups as well as the catastrophic action of charismatic leaders.

In the Greek Theogony, first comes Gaïa, a primitive cult to Mother Earth, not an active cult, but a memory of the very first religion of the first agriculturists. Then, her son, lover and husband Ouranos takes over; he is a Sky-God, a rain God — one old variant of so many conquering or domineering sky gods in so many mythologies. That again is the memory of a first conquest of the agriculturists by invading herdsmen and their Sky-Gods; you can tell who did the violent conquest by who ends up on top despite not being there first. Though in the very first conquest, the conquered were so probably so incompetent at fighting that they just surrendered without too much blood; balance of power is the fruit of long interactions.

There are other gods, the Titans, and some many-headed or one-eyed monsters, but they are "sons" to Ouranos and Gaïa, and Ouranos cast them into Tartarus. Historically, this sounds like this religion managed to eliminate two or more different families of religions, and violently repress or destroy their cults, maybe genociding or enslaving their followers. The many-headed monsters and the cyclops could have been animists, or people once led by a one-eyed leader or two, or a tribe of herdsmen known for their one-eyed sheep. The details are long lost. But once you understand myths as history compressed to stable memes by centuries of oral transmission by the victors (and to a lesser degree by other survivors), they are no longer arbitrary just so stories, they are the last witnesses of wars and invasions, alliances and natural catastrophes, from a time before history was written (at least by those who transmitted those myths).

That story when Kronos defeats his father Ouranos? One religion that was formerly repressed or subsidiary took over the dominant status from the previous Sky God. Kronos was the youngest of the Titans — a recent religion from a new set of migrants. He castrates his father Ouranos and throws his testicles to the sea (a detail omitted from d'Aulaire's expurgated retelling). There might have been an actual event where some King or High-Priest embodying the power of Ouranos was thus overpowered and castrated by another embodying the power of Kronos; or there have been a mass castration of enemies; or just killing of males; or just the descendants of the vanquished king (his notional seed) fleeing by sea; or some combination of the above, or something else. Oral history doesn't well distinguish between Gods and their cults, between the people and their leaders, between successive generations of leaders, between people with the same name, between prominent mountains and rivers of one people who tell a story, and prominent mountains and rivers of other people who appropriate and retell the story, or who tell it after having migrated.

Then, Kronos eats his children — maybe his priests try to claim for him the attributes of other gods, declare them but facets of that one god, and build a syncretic monotheism out of the many religions around; but that doesn't hold, and eventually he is toppled by Zeus, his "son in hiding", i.e. a newer secondary Sky God, worshipped in clandestinity — or maybe the very same Sky God as Ouranos, and also the same as Thor or Indra, just reimported from latter waves of migrants, distant cousins of the former, invading a few centuries later. Zeus, allied with his "siblings" once eaten by Kronos, i.e. with reestablished cults previously repressed, wins over Kronos; then most of the Titans refuse his reign, but Zeus and his allies prevails after a long war. Zeus even allies with some of the older gods (of animism?), but in the end casts them back to Tartarus, to "guard" the Titans; this episode might possibly correspond to the allies fomenting a rebellion by some people enslaved by their enemies, only to enslave most of them again after the victory. Indeed, animism survives in Greek Mythology, with nymphs and river Gods, spirits of trees and houses, though it remains secondary to institutionalized religion. Whatever happened, you have to imagine a long, messy ethno-religious strife, as the previous political supremacy is destroyed and the former vassals fight over who will or won't be dominant in the new order. Kronos may have been the Cretan power. Or not. I don't know. I don't know that anyone knows. It has stopped mattering that much many millenia ago. What still matters though is that we should understand human nature, and how culture is the condensate of the often violent confrontation of many influences.

However, Theogony is not all wars. A story goes that Aphrodite came from the sea; she does not acknowledge being the daughter of any other god yet she sits in the Pantheon equal to the greatest of them. — That story does not suggest a war; likely, the people who brought their love goddess Aphrodite came with some superior sea-faring technology and were adopted in the greater Greek commonwealth. Who were the seafaring people of the day? The Phoenician. And indeed Wikipedia says that Aphrodite is of Phoenician origin. So this interpretation of myths does lead to verifiable predictions. Some stories suggest Aphrodite was produced by the seed of Ouranos thrown to the sea — which seems to confirm the interpretation of the fall of Ouranos as a sea migration after the downfall of a mighty kingdom. Other stories claim that Aphrodite was a daughter of Zeus after all; this filiation is symbolic subordination; it probably was retroactively invented later, after the Phoenicians had been taken down a notch in the pecking order of the CommonWealth: indeed, Gods did take sides in the Trojan war (i.e. the most prominent leaders of each cult), and Aphrodite was on the defeated side of the Phoenician-related Trojans. Other peaceful gods include Dyonisus and Prometheus. Dyonisus brings wine and tells everyone how to make it. The much older god Prometheus once brought fire stolen from the thunder god Zeus (i.e. from a fire started by a thunderstorm), and taught men how to keep it. Sometimes, a wave of migrants joins a common culture through peaceful trade, by bringing some superior technology or another, and contributes with it a god or goddess to the Pantheon of the day — or become deified in recognition of their achievement.

Our successors in the far future, whether made of flesh or of digital patterns, will not study our detailed history. Their understanding of us will be based on gross summarizations, optimized for extracting and transmitting whatever meaning remains relevant to them, not for completeness or accuracy — in other words, on myths. Even if all the written and filmed documents of today survive, the picture they draw is far from complete, and far from accurate, and wouldn't be either necessary or sufficient to understand whatever there is to understand about our times. It too is myths, myths that we feed each other in order to manipulate each other in various ways. Consider how most of what has been written on the recent US election was partisan propaganda of some kind; and that is not at all specific to those US elections, just more blatant and obvious for the close, high-stakes contest. Understanding how to not to fall for the remnants of propaganda of the past is a good exercise to avoid falling for the overwhelming propaganda of the present.

PS (2017-09-07): Of course, historical clashes do not alone explain myths. The worldview, the beliefs, the values, the worries, the aspirations, of the tellers and retellers, that they wish to propagate onto others or that they blindly follow, are also part of these stories... and that's the whole point: there is no single force at stake in building and propagating myths. Describing the myths that reached us as flowing from a single coherent source, rather than emerging as a mish-mash of memes that evolved and fought each other, is itself an absurdity that flows from the superstitious judeo-christian notion of a "revealed truth".

Tags: en, god, history, mythology, 苹果翻墙梯子

Nov. 21st, 2016



The Deadly Sin of Gluttony does not consist in eating a lot. It consists in consuming more than you can afford. In harsher times, that did mean Death indeed — yet an indirect Death that had to be warned about for it wasn't obvious to the naive and the ignorant. In modern times, consuming more than you can afford still means Death, but in a yet more indirect way, that requires oh so bigger warning. There are enough interpersonal safety nets and economic interconnections that Gluttony is not usually deadly at a personal level — but it remains Deadly, and how Deadly, at a societal level. Gluttony is socialism and everything left wing: denial of scarcity, spending as if from an infinite barrel, "unblocking" the manna from above. But the manna isn't from above, it's the blood and sweat from the producers being oppressed, and the more they are oppressed the less they produce, until the very richest country in a continent (Rhodesia, Venezuela) becomes the very poorest, and people starve and die.

The big mistake that modern people make with respect to their ancient predecessors is not disagreeing with them — it's failing to understand them. Our ancestors weren't more stupid, naive or credulous than we are. Their disadvantage compared to us is that they lacked the accumulated product of thousands of years of riches, of wisdom, of experience, of technology, of social skills — in a word, of capital — whether material or human.

Tags: ancient, bible, capital, en, gluttony

Oct. 23rd, 2016


这个网站碉堡了!苹果全部发布会影片、广告和宣传图都能看 ...:2021-2-5 · 身为一个有超过十年使用经验的 Apple 用户,虽然不算太资深,但也曾经历这十多年来苹果大大小小的设备,大家都喜欢拿 Steve Jobs 和 Tim Cook 作为两个跨时伕分水岭,早期的 Apple 让大家充满期待,引领着科技时伕潮流,而现今则转趋于保守,更 ...

When my friend Markus Fix twitted this poem, I knew I had to put it to music, and I did: "All Watched Over By Machines Of Loving Grace", by Richard Brautigan.

Read the original poemios能用的梯子2022 )

It is a beautiful poem about the simultaneously most awesome and most awful future of mankind, after we win and create AIs: returned to nature, to be cared for by robots, i.e. as zoo animals for the new higher form of intelligence that we gave birth to. Not being so good with lyrics, yet desiring to write more songs, I was delighted to find this powerful expression of a universal yearning, particularly heartfelt by technogeeks, that can be read on many levels: as a literal celebration of a lofty aspiration, to use technology not only to satisfy every human need, but also to find oneness with nature, by stripping life of all the drudgery that distracts us from its essential meaning (whatever it be); as a reductio ad absurdum of naive utopias that take this yearning as a millenial destination to be implemented rather than an inspiration to draw direction from; and as an ironic warning of the danger of trying to deprive humans of their self-ownership and subject them to an inhuman, mechanical, order, reducing them to mere animals without higher purpose of their own, whether cattle, pets or zoo monsters, kept in golden (or not so golden) jail under the control of superior masters.

And so I immediately set out to put that poem into music; though I only got the first stanza that day, and finished the last stanza weeks later. Just like my And A Pony song, I can proudly claim to mean this poem on all levels. I love the song I wrote based on the poem (taking the liberty of repeating some lines, as befits the medium of songs but not of poems); but I have never been able to perform it to a level of quality satisfactory to my ears. One thing I definitely don't know how to do is how to postprocess the last repetition of the last line so it sounds creepily like a tinny emotionless robot voice.

As usual, you can download the Lilypond ios能用的梯子2022, or the printable PDF. Sorry, no recording at this point. I figure if six years later I still don't have a half-decent version, there's no reason to wait for one; and so, since my other friend Perry independently puts this same poem on his FB feed, it's as good a time as any to publish at least the score...

Read the sheet musicCollapse )
Tags: brautigan, en, extropian, music, poetry, ios翻外墙用什么, ios能用的梯子2022, songs

May. 30th, 2016

eyes black and white

(no subject)

"In 1968 our parents' generation burned everything down. Because fire is cool. Kids these days are imitating their parents, as kids do. But they're flicking their lighters on a pile of ashes. Sometimes they will get a cinder or two to glow for a moment. Whatever pleasure this produces, it's now objectively less fun than actually constructing something new." — Mencius Moldbug
Tags: en, moldbug, reactionary

Apr. 28th, 2016

eyes black and white


I decided that after all, I was a minarchist and not an anarchist. Let me explain.

A bigger government is where the proclaimed rulers have greater power, where public force is more positively correlated with their will, at their disposal to impose a less restricted subset of their commands, whims and desires on a wider set of topics and resources — compared to another (form of) government. A smaller government is that other comparative (form of) government where the proclaimed rulers have less power, where public force is less positively aligned with their will, and their cannot rely on it as much to impose it upon others, etc. A minimal government is thus such that there is no strictly lesser government — any comparable government is greater. A minarchist is a proponent of minimal government.

Now, anarchy is where the proclaimed rulers have no power at all, where public force is totally uncorrelated with their will, where they cannot use force to impose it upon anyone, etc. Proclaimed rulers are just laughed at, or ignored — they are ridiculous clowns whom no one takes seriously, except maybe a psychiatrist they pay to listen to them solemnly, and a few bored village idiots who aren't watched closely enough by their busy tutors. On my good days, I'm an anarchist, a proponent of anarchy.

But every time I hear a politician, I feel more like a minarchist. What's the difference? Well, in a true minimal state, rulers are not just ignored and laughed at, with public force uncorrelated to their will; rather, public force is negatively correlated to their will, and maximally so. In other words: all their belongings are forcefully taken away from them, and surrendered to their worst enemies, or dispersed to whichever charities are most outrageous to them; then they are put to death by being subjected to whatever is most horrific to them personally (just as in 1984's Room 101). Indeed, there is nothing more that a ruler can give than what he possesses, including his life, no way that things can go further against his will. And so this is truly minimal government, and that's what I support as a minarchist: fully dispossessing and horrifically putting to death anyone who claims to govern others.

When I feel optimistic I'm an anarchist and believe that the world will be fine without the need for violence. When I feel pessimistic I'm a minarchist and I understand that those who want to rule others will not be stopped by anything but extreme prejudice. Trying to establish a government is high treason against society, to be treated as such (and every government is foreign before it's established, and domestic after it is).

PS: My friend Charles summarizes: "Less than 0 government is negative government. The active criminalization of government."

Tags: anarchism, en, minarchism, war


eyes black and white

Le vase de Soissons, ou l'Anti-Magna Carta

Pour voir à quel point l'étatisme est ancré dans les traditions françaises, à l'opposé des traditions anglo-saxonnes, il suffit de regarder le mythe fondateur de la monarchie française qui elle-même fonde la France et son État: le vase de Soissons, tel qu'enseigné de tout temps à l'école à tous les enfants. Il est à l'opposé même du mythe fondateur des libertés anglo-saxonnes, la Magna Carta.

Lisez la suite...Collapse )
Tags: fr, fwance, libertarian, iPhone如何挂梯子

Mar. 2nd, 2016


23 Deadly Stab Wounds

Jesus famously said "Render unto Caesar what belongs to Caesar". I'll argue that he meant 23 Deadly Stab Wounds — and yet that he wasn't advocating violence.

Read more...Collapse ) 苹果的梯子
Tags: caesar, en, jesus, justice, libertarian, mu, religion, render, roman empire, rome, statism



Les tas recrutent des sicaires costumés

Sur les murs du métro, l'armée française recrute — mais quel homme digne d'être un soldat rejoindra l'armée française? Cette armée est au service du MAL: une république sans valeur et sans honneur, qui a toujours trahi tous ceux qu'elle avait juré de protéger, qui ne doit son existence que comme régime fantoche installé par les socialistes américains et noyauté par les communistes russes, avec sursaut en prime de fierté nationaliste mal placée dans la trahison des colonies.

Certes, une minorité dont la tradition familiale est liée à l'armée y ira peut-être honorablement, quoiqu'erronément, par atavisme. Ils iront grandir les rangs des cadres moyens de l'armée: assez sérieux pour être officiers, trop honnêtes pour s'élever au-dessus des politiciens aux dents longues. Mais l'armée attirera surtout des petits fonctionnaires ne cherchant que les avantages et prêts à déserter au moindre risque, des imbéciles qui ne comprennent pas dans quoi et pour qui ils s'engagent, des techniciens du meurtre de masse sur commande, des mercenaires sans foi ni loi, des sadiques assoiffés de sang, et des salauds prêts à tout pour gravir les échelles du pouvoir. Les tas (de parasites) recrutent l'armée qu'ils méritent.

Le traître de Gaulle n'engendrera qu'engeance pire encore. La Fwance décivilisée n'aura pas son Pinochet. Son Chavez, peut-être, en attendant son Abd al-Rahman. CPEMF.

Tags: army, civilization, dishonor, fr, fwance, history, statism

Jan. 23rd, 2016

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As usual, he gets it "come il Conte Palmieri"; he knows knows it's fake fake, but he wants to see her happy, to hear her happy. One last time. And as usual, I cry all along, at each and every one of the carefully paced arias, in this emotional rollercoaster of an Opera. It has everything: love and hate, lust and jealousy, honor and betrayal, lofty fraternity and mortal enmity, victory and defeat, misplaced idealism and too well placed opportunism, lofty art and crass superstition, integrity and corruption, etc. But it also has all the sins and crimes, from gluttony to rape, from perjury and bribery to suicide and murder, from torture to blasphemy. It is the individual against the State. It is all that and much more. It is Tosca.

Congratulations to the NYC Opera Renaissance. A tremendous success. I rate it 95%. Act I was perfectly played, though maybe Tosca's voice wasn't at her top yet, possibly hampered by this really excellently rendered jealousy. Caravadossi knew to be above the jealousy and superstition without being patronizing; he loved Tosca warts and all. Scarpia was a delicious villain, and his minions also played well. Act II and III were great, and the singing wonderful. The direction didn't sport the many tricks of other productions I've seen, but had some clever ones of its own, such as the well done fighting attempts by Caravadossi, or Spoletta concluding right at Tosca's face "Come Palmieri". As usual my biggest gripe is with direction that in some songs just doesn't make sense. Scarpia should be either impatient with lust or reveling with power when Tosca pleads to God then to him; he shouldn't be merely bored on the sofa. And Caravadossi should be holding Tosca's hands and trying to keep her close to him when they meet for the last time and sing about these hands against, he shouldn't be staying at a safe distance — indeed she might be blind to the situation and feel like playing on stage and dancing around, but oh not him, though he won't want to show and worry her — perfect opportunity for a lot of acting with body language.

I heartily recommend. Will go again if I can. E Rido Ancor!

Tags: en, opera, ios翻外墙用什么, tosca

Dec. 28th, 2015


Conscious Cybernaut

I don't design myself. I evolve from countless interactions, of which the conscious mind is but the emerged part, that neither designs nor builds itself nor the rest of me. At best, it might steer me towards improvement - but the direction it steers won't be improvement if it is blind of who I am, where I am, what are the obstacles, what are my assets, and what maintenance is required.

The rationalist hubris of total design is often blindness that cripples the actual use of reason. On the opposite, denial of the importance design in steering is the rejection of reason and groveling in mere animality. Be yourself today. Fully.

Tags: consciousness, design, en, humility, reason

Dec. 27th, 2015


From Up on Poppy Hill

"From Up on Poppy Hill" proves that 2011 was a great year for Japanese (and world) cinema. Animation is used to show what just can't be shown with live action movies: the past. No need for choreographed violence, or for fantastic plots riddled with holes. A simple story well told without gimmicks. Lofty aspirations without grandiosity. Delicate sentiments without affectation. Nostalgia without blindness to the future. Local roots with a universal message. History without propaganda. A film like that relates us to our span in time and space. The opposite of what America does (at Hollywood). Note: 9/10

Tags: animation, en, 苹果的梯子, movies, reviews

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  • pda
  • perception
  • perdeanu
  • 苹果手机用的梯子
  • persistence
  • philosophy
  • phone
  • physics
  • physiology
  • picasso
  • picture
  • pig
  • pinochet
  • platform
  • iPhone如何挂梯子
  • poland
  • police
  • politeness
  • politics
  • pomo
  • pony
  • poulailler
  • poverty
  • power
  • powerlust
  • pragmatism
  • predation
  • predator
  • pride
  • priority
  • privacy
  • private
  • ios翻外墙用什么
  • procrastination
  • programming languages
  • progress
  • project
  • proofs
  • propaganda
  • 苹果翻墙梯子
  • provence
  • proverb
  • proxy
  • pseudo-science
  • psikhushka
  • psychiatry
  • psychology
  • public
  • public debt
  • 苹果手机用的梯子
  • puzzle
  • python
  • quality
  • quantum
  • quebec
  • queen
  • questionnaire
  • quicklisp
  • quiz
  • quotes
  • racism
  • racket
  • rafc
  • rand
  • rawls
  • reactionary
  • reality
  • reason
  • rebt
  • 苹果翻墙梯子
  • recipe
  • recommendation
  • redistribution
  • relativism
  • religion
  • renard
  • render
  • research
  • responsibility
  • retrocomputing
  • reviews
  • revolution
  • rhetoric
  • rkba
  • roads
  • ios能用的梯子2022
  • ios翻外墙用什么
  • 苹果手机用的梯子
  • ios可众用的梯子
  • rome
  • rozsa
  • russia
  • ios能用的梯子2022
  • samth
  • san francisco
  • iPhone如何挂梯子
  • scale
  • scam
  • scandal
  • iPhone如何挂梯子
  • science
  • scifi
  • score
  • scripting
  • security
  • self-help
  • ios能用的梯子2022
  • selfishness
  • semantics
  • sex
  • sfo
  • shakespeare
  • shattered
  • 苹果手机用的梯子
  • sherlock holmes
  • ios能用的梯子2022
  • 苹果手机用的梯子
  • silly
  • silvacane
  • sin
  • singeries
  • slavery
  • sleep
  • slogans
  • smop
  • snail
  • snob
  • social contract
  • social fabric
  • socialism
  • society
  • software
  • songs
  • sovereignty
  • space eggs
  • 苹果的梯子
  • spangler
  • spoons
  • squirrel
  • start
  • startup
  • statism
  • ios翻外墙用什么
  • stephen chow
  • story
  • storytelling
  • strategy
  • stupidity
  • style
  • 苹果的梯子
  • summer-of-code
  • superstition
  • surprise adventure
  • surrender
  • swiss cheese
  • switzerland
  • symbolics
  • 苹果手机用的梯子
  • t-mobile
  • t-shirt
  • tail-calls
  • tao
  • tao of programming
  • taxes
  • teaching
  • iPhone如何挂梯子
  • theater
  • theology
  • theory
  • ios能用的梯子2022
  • toleration
  • tolkien
  • tongue in cheek
  • tosca
  • totoro
  • totten
  • tran
  • translation
  • travel
  • tribalism
  • ios能用的梯子2022
  • tunes
  • typed scheme
  • types
  • ios可众用的梯子
  • unicode
  • universality
  • unix
  • unix hater
  • unqualified reservations
  • usa
  • iPhone如何挂梯子
  • user-interface
  • ussa
  • iPhone如何挂梯子
  • 苹果翻墙梯子
  • variables
  • vase
  • vera
  • versioning
  • vertical
  • vietnam
  • violin
  • ios能用的梯子2022
  • iPhone如何挂梯子
  • vulgar
  • wages
  • wand
  • war
  • 苹果翻墙梯子
  • wedding
  • welfare state
  • west
  • ios能用的梯子2022
  • wireheading
  • wireless
  • wishful thinking
  • writing
  • x300
  • 苹果手机用的梯子
  • xml
  • you
  • yudkowsky
  • zeropa
  • zimbabwe

Page Summary

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  • 苹果翻墙梯子
  • iPhone如何挂梯子
  • La Cigale et la Fourmi
  • [IOS]:免费梯子应用,纯美国低延迟推荐。 - 优创博客:2021-6-11 · 前言因为之前某些原因,所众启明星辰没有再开放。梯子目前需要用到的地方还是很多,不仅仅是可众去看墙外的世界。今天优哥给小伙伴伔分享一个免费的美区V-P-N。【来自优创小伙伴推荐】应用介绍来自美区的...
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  • Design at the confluence of programming languages and build systems
  • 光遇iOS国际服下载及美区氪金教程:2021-6-12 · 预备工作:准备一个梯子,后续操作会用到。准备美区Apple ID:挂上美区梯子,登录苹果官网,注册一个新的Apple ID,地区选择美国。付款方式选择none(如果没挂梯子则只能看 …
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  • From Up on Poppy Hill


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